Hi guys,

is it possible to start an event, after another event has finished or a specific interaction has finished?

1. ATM I have a battle end event, after this event, I want to call another event to display a dialog (but I cannot combine battle end event and this event in one event file, since I need that event in many different scenarios)

2. Also. When I finished collecting some resources (e.g. wood) with an event, I would also like to call another event when this one has finished.

3. Another thing I would need, after the player visited a shop, I would also like to call an event (after shop menu was closed)

4. Last thing, when I create some items out of receipts, I also need this event.

The event is a user-feedback choice dialog for measuring Gaming Experience in a field trial.

Is there a way to solve this 4 issues easily?

Many thanks,

  • Global Events are the answer to all your problems.
    When making a vanilla game event, hit Add>Event>Call Global Event.
    Global Events that you call this way should be set to Call for Event Execution.

    Now for Move, Battle & Battle End Events there isn't an option to do that.
    So instead you'll rig a global variable to trigger a Global Event.
    Set the Global Event to Auto and configure the requirements accordingly.
    Then hit Add Game Variable and make a Boolean variable to act as a trigger.

    So as the last step in your Battle End Event create a Change Game Variables node.
    Name the Variable Key to whatever you named the Global Event trigger, then select Bool and check the Value box.

    Then as the first step of the Global Event you'll set the same type of node but this time uncheck the box for Value.
    This will set the Bool to false.

    Let me know if this explanation made sense or not.

  • Many many thanks @Klep.

    This really helped me a lot.
    The only thing I additionally changed was instead using a shop interaction, I choose an event interaction where I opened the shop.

    Thank you :)
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