Hey there!

I'm trying to do as the subject stats to affect the damage of the attack ability. I can get the velocity and angular velocity of the controller as it collides.. but I have no clue how to translate that into a multiplier.

Let's say I have a threshold of 100%. The velocity of 0-10% do nothing. 11%-30% = x.75 multiplier. 31%-60% = 1 multiplier. 61%-80% = 1.25 .. and 81%-100% = 1.5% ..

I'm trying to use this with direct damage and damage zones and I've spent about three days trying to make this work.

Any insight would appreciated.

  • You can set the damage multiplier of the action using a Damage Multiplier node. Alternatively you can also set the damage factor in the Calculate node. Damage multiplier/factor both work in the same way, e.g. 1 is normal damage, 2 is double damage, etc.

    You'll somehow need to translate the velocity from a Vector3 to a float value and use that to determine the multiplier based on your needs. Store it into a game variable and use the variable in the steps mentioned above.
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  • Awesome, that's what I needed to know. I've found a way through Playmaker to get that value into a float. I appreciate you giving me the final pieces to that puzzle!
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