I'd like to position my GUI boxes relative to the 9 points of the screen (top left, top center, top right, center left, center, center right, bottom left, bottom center, bottom right). AND have them not scale.

Is there a way to do this with all the different settings? Basically, I want to anchor things to those points - so a compass for example, would never scale, always be 200x200, and always appear in the top left corner. And the game bar would never scale, always be 800x60, and always appear in the bottom center of the screen. (basically, just the old standard way of dealing with different resolutions).

I have disabled scaling, and played with the various ways to position guiboxes, and can't seem to make this work. Is there a way to do this?
  • You should be able to do this by creating multiple GUI Layers, checking "Own GUI Scale" on each, and then setting the appropriate GUI Anchor. Also set each to "No Scale." ;-)

    So you'd have at minimum nine GUI layers in order to have all of the points covered. You may need additional layers at some or all of the anchor points if you need to handle any cases where you might have GUI boxes in front of others at the same position.
  • Thanks, Keldryn - that works like a charm.
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