edited August 2014 in Announcements
And here it is: release notes


Due to some bugs a small update will be released tomorrow, features:
  • Status Requirements
    Weapon and Armor requirements are available wherever you can use status requirements.
    Checks if a selected weapon/armor is equipped on a combatant.
  • Text Format
    You can now select a Font in all text format settings that will be used.
    If no font is selected, the font of the GUISkin of the GUI box is used.
  • Status Values: Experience
    The new Init to Level setting for Experience type status values defines if an experience is set to a matching value when initializing a combatant. If disabled, the experience will be set to the minimum value (e.g. 0) - by default enabled.
    Useful for non-level up experience values.
  • Status Values: Experience
    Small change - the Level Up and Class Level Up settings are now replaced by the new Experience Type popup selection (offering None, Level and Class Level).
  • Status Values: Experience
    And another change - None type experience values will now use the minimum value of the status value as minimum value instead of the previous level's value.
    Mostly internal stuff, but crucial to use non-level up experience values as they are meant to :)
  • Main Menu
    The new Continue Button will load the last saved game.
    Requires the save game to be made with this version to find the latest save game (otherwise there is no time information stored).
  • Main Menu: Load Button
    The new Hide Inactive setting allows not displaying the load button when no save games are available.
    Also available for the new continue button.
Includes also some fixes in the battle system that occurred lately :)

Meanwhile I'm also implementing the new Unity GUI from the 4.6 beta in a separate project - expect a beta version available by the end of next week (hopefully).
Post edited by gamingislove on
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