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  • I think this bug may have been introduced in the last update as it occurred with no changes to my settings. 1. Back button in the equipment part box settings menu gives an index out of range error:IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of rang…
  • Great update, thanks!
  • @gamingislove absolutely, email sent. Thanks for looking into this!
  • @gamingislove Sorry, fixed image url. It's likely something to do with the Nav Mesh spawn code because the player is being spawned in a drastically different location. I have only had this problem recently when I started using Nav Mesh Agents.
  • @gamingislove I am not sure what the source of the issue is but here is a screenshot. Instead of being spawned at the spawn point, this small player is spawned higher up.
  • @gamingislove When a scene changer or event spawns an actor at a spawn point, depending on the actor's mesh size ( big character or small character) the actor will not be spawned at the spawn point but sometimes in a random position that is very dif…
  • @gamingislove If I use the event step Change Nav Mesh Target and set it to stop in a normal game event, everything works as expected, but freezes during a battle event.
  • @gamingislove For some reason whenever I use the Change Nav Mesh Target step to stop the Nav Mesh Agent of the user (after the user has reached a certain distance to the target) an error is thrown and the event just freezes. What I am trying to do i…
  • Thank you for your dedicated and incredible support! I am trying not get hung up on small little glitches like these as I test out ideas. If I develop something substantial, I will send you a project file with a list of all the possible bugs that mi…
  • @gamingislove I am using the Change Position battle event step and there is a character controller on the player. I have tried removing the character controller and turning off use controller in the event. Edit: Ok I just realized that there is a C…
  • In a turnbased battle where the player is using mouse controller type with navmesh move type, the player combatant struggles to successfully move to target positions and instead lags in place.
  • @gamingislove Awesome!
  • @Kirb Thanks, glad that is already possible!
  • Feature Request: 1: Use navmesh for the Mouse Player Control Type. 2: Display a turn order countdown number by all combatant's individual health bars. 3: Have dialogue GUI boxes positioned and stay pinned over actors and events like speech bubbles. …
  • Bug: When using the Mouse Player Control Type, if the raycast hits nothing while the player is moving, the player will move to the origin 0,0,0.
  • Hi GIL. It's been a long time and just getting back into ORK framework. So glad you are still developing this, its quite awesome and has grown a lot. I am trying to do this,…
  • Could the change and costs of status upgrades use a formula?
  • Seems like if the player is dead, items cannot be used from the inventory to heal the other party members or revive the player. Also when combatants are dead and a new battle starts they are statistically dead but still spawned and standing.

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