Hi All,
I have had ORK for a while now, but only just started to work with it. I have been following the tutorials and forum posts for setting up a simple Mecanim system using the ORK controls. I figure learn that first before attempting to add my own controller. Baby steps... lol
I have the animations working and the player moves as expected but the animations don't loop. I have the animations themselves set to loop (run, walk, idle) but it plays and stops and I constantly need to re-press the movement key to start the animation again... Basically walk, pause walk pause. the character itself however, does keep moving just the animations keep pausing awaiting a new key press. Hmmm
Greed is not sustainable without elements of human suffering.
Lastly, go into Combatants>Combatants - Animations & Movement Use Auto Animation should be checked, then check out your Minimum Run Speed and Run Speed Threshold. Make sure those two combined are equal to or less than your Movement Settings> Run Speed value. Also check that position change is checked in Movement Settings. Let me know where that gets you please.
Setting "position change" makes no difference.
I am wondering however, if using animations that were re-targeted to my character makes a difference. I believe it should not but just throwing that out there. All characters are Mixamo so I know they are all compatible with each other.
The CharacterController used for movement (if you're using ORK's controls) and root motion don't work well together :)
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Sorry for the late reply...