edited March 2015 in ORK Support
i gathered all the information about summoning in this forum,even in ferrero's tutorial and here's the problem

- i have 4 combatant and i have a summoned creature that removes 3 of the other combatant ( i need to do this because if i remove all the allied combatant,game over screen will popout ) but instead of removing them completely out of battle their Player HUD still remain in screen and i can still command them.

-after the battle the summoned creature is still in my party .
  • Will look into it, probably needs some new event steps :)
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  • i hope you get update for 2.3.1,, i don't want to shift from unity 5 .. :D
  • edited March 2015
    bumping for this.. even if it meant to be for unity 5
    Post edited by Alex1234 on
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