I'm a fighter and I don't think I'd ever choose peaceful mode but some players might prefer exploration with no battles at some time in my future.

Is there a way to destroy a battle area or enemy spawner in scenes if a player chose this peaceful mode? :) Downloading Unity 5 onto my MacBook. Have nothing else to do except think about this stuff. :)

F.e. If a player chose Fight mode I could set a variable and then whether enemies spawned would be based on that variable checked in the spawner and so the player's choice would determine whether they had enemies to fight or not?
Post edited by Catacomber on
  • Maybe changing player faction could work? If i remember well (coming back after a long break) if the player belongs to same faction of npc they will not be hostile.
  • Auto start when you enter the scene based on whether or not that variable is set? : ) Welcome back. : ) That could work. :)
  • Yep, you could place a faction switcher as those boxes that change zone name (like in tutorial), or you could simply link a new key or touch icon to a peace/war mode (on key pressed, if it is war mode, change to peace mode, if in peace mode, change to war mode) with a further check about the player being in a scene where he could actually do it (like a neutral town, i wouldn't want my player to stay unharmed inside a dungeon). :)
  • Since all the spawner and battle components have variable conditions, you can use game variables for that - or just changing the player's faction (or sympathy of the enemies), which both can be done using the event system.
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