edited April 2015 in ORK Support
Think it's a problem with the mecanim-settings.

Animator.GotoState: State could not be found
UnityEngine.Animator:Play(String, Int32)
ORKFramework.Animations.AnimationSetting:MecanimPlay(AnimInfo&, Animator, Int32)
ORKFramework.Combatant:Tick(Single, Single)

any help would be nice.
regards, ulli
  • edited April 2015
    Yeah, you're trying to play a state that isn't added to your animator controller.
    Either just a small error in the name or you forgot to add it :)
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • I want to play the animation "IdleStand", which is attached in my Animation-Controller (Base Layer) and also in the ORK Base/Control/Animations/Mecanim-Settings.


    ... it did not work.
  • OK, found a mistake. I unchecked "Use Auto Animation", and the error did not longer occured. But my character still won't move.
  • Problem solved.
    Thank you for your Help.
  • That didn't really solve your problem, it just doesn't play the animation from ORK's side :)
    I think you've defined the wrong layer (0 is the base layer).
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