Another very simple feature request I have would be to add dialogue in the middle of a fight, for taunting or battles with scripted dialogue. I assume the easiest way to do this would be to add dialogue steps to Battle AI's unless there's another way I'm not seeing, but a lot of RPG Makers have options for steps so that for example when the enemy's health is below 50 percent they will say this, or when the player's health is below 50 percent the enemy will taunt the player by saying this.
I believe battle dialogue's been possible for quuite some time now.
Here's an interesting problem I'm having GiL;
Basically I'm trying to figure out a way for Events to occur... only if my character is on the ground! Otherwise when she jumps into an invisible event trigger with character blocking on, she freezes in midair as the event goes. I've been able to bandaid the situation by starting events by disabling the Character Controller input, adding a small wait step and hoping she hits the ground by the the time the event starts, and THEN freezing player movement; but I'd prefer a more consistent solution. (I also need to make it so you can only open the menu when on the ground!)
I think having a 'Check Component' or 'Check Function' Step in this case might work. It'd be more or less identical to say, 'Call Function', where I specify a component and a parameter. This way I could do a check to see which sprite frame the player is on, and continue onto the event if she's on a sprite that is used in the idle animation. It might not work for me, but it sounds like it might be a nice addition in any case. Do you know of another way it might work?
Basically, take the right click menu for events and make it into a panel that can search it, add, remove, etc. There is just an incredibly large amount of event types to look through.
I don't use turned based battles or battle dialogues; but when building Battle Events there are Dialogue steps available. I figure those wouldn't be there unless you could use them in battle events?
I tried doing it that way, but those events are only called at battle start and end, and when using an attack, which would work but then you would have to make separate attack events and abilities for each attack (as in for each turn) the enemy makes (as in Character1FirstAttack, Character1SecondAttack, etc.), which in a large game would get very confusing. Having a step to add dialogue in the battle AI would be better because then you could have it set that if HP falls below 50 percent, say "Is that the best you got?!" for example. Or if turn=3 say "Third strike, you're out!" and then deliver a devastating blow.
Not sure, then. :( I'm pretty sure there's a way to do it though.
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature request; but in the Node editor, could you make it so that when you right-click on the field and Add an event from the menu; that the newly spawned node spawns close to your cursor rather than all the way up at the top of the editor field? It'd save me a lot of time dragging and scrolling down my massive event trees. :P
Another request would be an option for calling the battle menu to pause the game (meaning you press the button to bring up the battle menu and the game pauses), would be helpful in real time combat.
Here's an interesting problem I'm having GiL;
Basically I'm trying to figure out a way for Events to occur... only if my character is on the ground! Otherwise when she jumps into an invisible event trigger with character blocking on, she freezes in midair as the event goes. I've been able to bandaid the situation by starting events by disabling the Character Controller input, adding a small wait step and hoping she hits the ground by the the time the event starts, and THEN freezing player movement; but I'd prefer a more consistent solution. (I also need to make it so you can only open the menu when on the ground!)
I think having a 'Check Component' or 'Check Function' Step in this case might work. It'd be more or less identical to say, 'Call Function', where I specify a component and a parameter. This way I could do a check to see which sprite frame the player is on, and continue onto the event if she's on a sprite that is used in the idle animation. It might not work for me, but it sounds like it might be a nice addition in any case. Do you know of another way it might work?
Personal Twitter:
I make RFI!
Basically, take the right click menu for events and make it into a panel that can search it, add, remove, etc. There is just an incredibly large amount of event types to look through.
Personal Twitter:
I make RFI!
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature request; but in the Node editor, could you make it so that when you right-click on the field and Add an event from the menu; that the newly spawned node spawns close to your cursor rather than all the way up at the top of the editor field? It'd save me a lot of time dragging and scrolling down my massive event trees. :P
Personal Twitter:
I make RFI!
Personal Twitter:
I make RFI!
That seems useful! Is it basically a trial and error type editor or does it plugin in somewhere to see preview what you're doing?
Personal Twitter:
I make RFI!