• Can you post the full error message?
    Especially the start, where it tells you what kind of error it is :)

    As for starting the tagged machines - if you don't use All Machines, it'll start tagged machines on the user of the HUD, i.e. if the HUD doesn't have a user game object, there's no game object to start machines on.
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  • edited September 2018
    @gamingislove, apologies I though I posted the entire error message. I wasn't on for a while and has heavily modified my project since then and I have removed the error producing hud. If I stumble upon that error again I will make sure to post it.

    I use All Machines for triggering the machines. The tagged machine from HUD problem is a weird isolated case.

    Edit: I stumbled upon the error again:

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Makinom.Behaviours.BaseMachineComponent.ExecutionEnded2 (UnityEngine.GameObject startingObject)
    Makinom.Behaviours.BaseMachineComponent.ExecutionEnded (UnityEngine.GameObject startingObject)
    Makinom.Schematics.Schematic.EndSchematic ()
    Makinom.Schematics.Schematic.ExecuteNextNode ()
    Makinom.Schematics.Schematic.NodeFinished (Int32 next)
    Makinom.Schematics.Nodes.ChangeVariablesNode.Execute (Makinom.Schematics.Schematic schematic)
    Makinom.Schematics.Schematic.ExecuteNextNode ()
    Makinom.Schematics.Schematic.Start ()
    Makinom.Schematics.Schematic.PlaySchematic (IExecutionStarter starter, UnityEngine.GameObject machineObject, UnityEngine.GameObject startingObject, Boolean isBlocking, MachineUpdateType updateType, Int32 inputID)
    Makinom.Behaviours.BaseMachineComponent.StartMachine (Makinom.Schematics.Schematic tmpSchematic, UnityEngine.GameObject startingObject)
    Makinom.Behaviours.BaseMachineComponent.StartMachine (UnityEngine.GameObject startingObject, Makinom.VariableHandler startVariables)
    Makinom.Behaviours.TaggedMachineComponent.StartTag (UnityEngine.GameObject startingObject, System.String[] tags, Needed needed, Makinom.VariableHandler sharedHandler, Makinom.MachineEnded notify)
    Makinom.UI.ClickHUD.Click (UnityEngine.GameObject user)
    Makinom.UI.TextInformationHUDElementSetting.CheckClick (UnityEngine.GameObject user, Vector2 position)
    Makinom.UI.InformationHUDElement.CheckClick (UnityEngine.GameObject user, Vector2 position)
    Makinom.BaseHUDContent.CheckClick (Vector2 position)
    Makinom.GUIHandler.CheckClick (Vector2 point)
    Makinom.GUIHandler.Tick ()
    Makinom.MakiCore.FireTick ()
    Makinom.MakinomHandler.Update ()

    The HUD is supposed to start a tagged machine but I keep on getting this error everytime I click
    Post edited by Morpheus on
  • edited January 2019
    This one absolutely murdered me all day today; but I finally determined the cause.

    I use a script via PlatformerPRO that parents the Player to a platform (for moving platforms, and the like). You jump on it, the Player is parented to the platform. You jump off of it, the Player is no longer parented to it. That's pretty much the extent of the script.

    I have discovered that once the Player has gone through this Parent-Unparent process even once: the node "Collider Intersect Bounds" will not work on ANY collider child of the Player until scene change. It simply won't recognize the collider, even if it is clearly within bounds. (Triggers, in my case).

    Everything seems to work fine, except for this particular Makinom node. Any ideas?

    Edit 2: Actually; it seems even weirder than that. I'll investigate further. It seems like parenting the Player to a very specific hierarchy of different layers/tags seems to have thrown it out of wack. What a headache.

    Edit 3: I think it may be more specific than I originally thought: I think that the Player becoming a child to a Parent that contains the Machine that is doing the checking, may be the culprit. In any case, parenting/unparenting seems to be the key to Makinom sort of losing track of the colliders.

    Very weird! I'll just work around it, for now.
    Post edited by Kirb on
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • Hm, very strange - the node itself just uses Unity functionality (i.e. the Intersect function of the collider's bounds) using the colliders found on both game objects (according to the scope settings).

    My best guess would be that parenting/unparenting moves the game object in a way that the bounds no longer intersect, e.g. on the Z axis in 2D environment it'll still look as before, but actually be in front or in the back.
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  • edited March 2019
    Stopping Makinom schematic timescale worked well for our TimeStop mechanic, but there was an edgecase we found; setting the schematic time scale to 0 during the Shake Object node doesn't actually freeze said object in place in the middle of a shake, it keeps shaking regardless.

    Not sure if bug or intended, but I figured I'd note it here since it looked odd.
    Post edited by Kirb on
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • I'll check that out - did it work for other stuff like fade moves/rotations?
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  • edited March 2019
    Yeah, Change Position (over time) seemed to work without any issues and stopped correctly! Haven't tried rotation yet, though.
    Post edited by Kirb on
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • Will be fixed in the next update - some part of the shaking isn't relying on delta time (which is affected by the time scale), so that's why :)
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  • Hello,

    Possible problem with Makinom-Cinemachine plugin. New project, unity 2018.4, 2019.1, cinemachine 2.2.8 installed. Plugin import fails with red console error:

    Assembly 'Assets/Makinom/Plugins/MakinomCinemachine.dll' will not be loaded due to errors:
    Unable to resolve reference 'CinemachineClasses'. Is the assembly missing or incompatible with the current platform?
  • Thanks for reporting, I'll check it out.
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  • @Campanulla
    I've updated the Cinemachine plugin. Please remove the previous plugin before importing the new one - it'll now be provided as a script file instead of a DLL.
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
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  • Thanks for update. Imports without issues now.
  • I was looking at the plugin more and just wanted to make sure, is there supposed to be only one node under cinemachine category?
  • Yes, currently there's only one node - there where 2 previously, but some functionality got removed in Cinemachine :)
    Let me know if you need specific functionality.
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
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  • edited May 2019
    An error appears when adding "Change input id" node.

    Error occured in node editor: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Makinom.Editor.NodeEditor:ShowNodes(BaseNode, BaseNode[], String[]&)
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

    GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced.
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
    Post edited by Night on
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