
I am trying to create a cut scene, instead of adding a combatant ill just be having GameObjects moving around IE the player object and dialogue.

Would this be done in ORK using the event system or would it be better to do it in Makinom?

I have done the tutorial of cameras IE moving from one camera to another, just trying to get my head around how to do cut scenes etc

  • It is not too hard to do in ORK. ORKs event system has a bunch of Camera Steps that can be used. Did you do this tutorial too?
    Cinematic field scene introduction

    You'll probably have a more challenging time with custom animating characters in the scene than the camera changes. ORKs Event system is powerful, but it's not a full AI engine for running things in parallel. For that you would be looking at RAIN (which is free), Behavior Designer or Node Canvas. But those can be challenging to use, so be forwarned.

    I have Makinom, but haven't dug into much since I'm busy with ORK. I'm sure it has more features since it is a newer framework. Also remember that if you make cinematics in another unity asset designed for it (like Cinema Director, uSequencer, etc.) that those can be activated by Call Function steps in ORK. But you are probably better off building them in ORK because then you have access to lot of ORK features without coding for another system.

    I hope that helps.
  • Hi,


    Yeah I went through that tutorial previously, did a little test but it didn't seem to work the way I wanted.

    Will have a play later and see if I can figure it out :)

    Plan is to simply have Player automatically move to a spot, speak and then have another character automatically walk up to the player, speak and then they get into a battle.

    I have more in-depth cut scenes than that planned, but doi
  • Hi,

    Would someone mind telling me what I'm doing wrong here?

    I have my start event, I start the game and what happens is the player is spawned and camera is set. I cannot control the player which is what I want but he does not move to the position specified, any idea why?


    I have the following stats;

    Start Settings:

    Blocking Event: Enabled
    Block Player Control: Enabled
    Use Main Camera: Enabled

    Actor Added for Player and Camera

    Waypoint added for camera position1 and player position 1

    Join Active Group

    Combatant: 0:Zidas

    Spawn player

    Spawn at Spawn Point
    ID 0

    Change Camera Position

    Use Target Position
    Set Rotation

    Target Object - Waypoint - Waypoint 0

    Change Position

    Moving Object - Actor - Player

    Target Position - Waypoint - Waypoint 1

    Movement Settings - Move Enabled, Ignore Y, Controller Move, Apply Gravity, Face Direction, Move By Speed, Follow Position

    Thanks!! :)
  • edited August 2015
    Does your player's prefab have a Character Controller attached?
    Also, is your waypoint addes via Find Object or selected in the inspector of the event interaction? If no waypoint is found/set, there's nothing to move to :)
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • Hey

    I got it working seemed I just needed to update to newest version of ORK.

    I do have a couple of problems though;

    1) Its not playing the walk animation - I assume I just add a Legacy Animation and set Object to the player and select the walk animation?

    2) The player is able to control the character, how would I completely remove player control until I get to a certain point IE When the entire cut scene has finished?

    I assume the quickest way would be to duplicate the player and just create a new Prefab as a NPC version of it, but I want them to get into a battle half way through. Although I could have it as an NPC, fade screen and then add combatants etc?

  • When having Block Player Control enabled in the event's settings, the player control is blocked until the event finished. Keep in mind that when not using wait options (or steps), the event can finish before e.g. the move finished.

    Also, if you're using custom controls, they'll only be blocked if set up in the game controls.
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  • Ah that makes sense!

    How would I go about sorting the animation out? I have tried to do this using the Legacy Animation and combatant animation but that doesn't seem to work.

    Thanks again!
  • If the moving object is a combatant using auto move animations, it should be automatically played - unless the combatant component isn't able to determine the movement speed due to the game object being moved differently than the controls. Try enabling Use Position Change in the combatant's movement settings, this will use actual changes in the object's position to determine the movement speed.
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  • Great, got this working perfectly :)

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