
I have tried searching for this but not able to find it.

I am trying to create a dialogue box, so that when a NPC or the player talks the box pops up in areas on the screen but is scaled to the length of the text.

Something similar to how final fantasy 7/8/9 did it

I know id create the GUI Boxes but not sure how this would be done to show in random places and also be scaled to fit the text etc

Thanks!! :)
  • ORK's GUI boxes support automatic height adjustment by selecting Auto. There's no random box positioning within an area available (and as far as I remember, the boxes in FF7-9 also poped up on fixed positions, not randomly).
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  • Hi,

    Sorry I didn't mean randomly but higher, however I have solved this by moving the bounds.

    I do have an issue though, as you see from the video below when it loads the guy box it blips one in the centre, any idea what could be causing this.

  • No, do you have any kind of move/fade/scale in that GUI box?
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  • Thanks

    Just needed to check a box and it worked :)

    Thanks again!
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