ok so im redoing my ui but i have an issue with child objects not doing there thing hard to set up a gui if all the child objects dont retain the size you set up in the prefab -_-
how its suppose to look - the text at bottom left in next pic
what it looks like spawned with ork. the section to the bottom left is also wrong the board is suppose to go around the small section but it doesnt in ork ,even though in my prefab it does
im forced to design the ui in the editor since things cant be seen in ork.but this problem makes the new ui option useless since things dont stay sized like there suppose to :/ my lay out is fine. in ugui i can resize it all day with no problems and it all stay where its suppose to just not with ork :/
i dont mean to sound rude or anything. just urks me that i spent alot of time setting this up just right which this originally had more on it but i took it out trying to fix the issue with child objects size. so im hopping you tell me theres a way to fix the sizing issue .
i originally just wanted to put the whole thing together with orks ui scripts doign all the text stuff and then just use ork to display the content box and just add buttons from there . which would work perfect sept this happens :/
also i have been trying to set this up with using text codes and stuff for basic parts while doing things like buttons and inventory parts with ork seems 2nd call to close will not call a close event on a menuscreens
error comes from using positions instead of list
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ORKFramework.DialogueContent.CalculateContent (Single baseWidth, Boolean recalced) ORKFramework.DialogueContent.Init (ORKFramework.GUIBox box) ORKFramework.GUIBox.Tick (Single t) ORKFramework.GUIHandler.Tick (Single t) ORKFramework.GUIHandler.Tick () ORKFramework.ORKCore.FireTick () ORKFramework.ORKHandler.Update ()
tried a set up where i just added buttons from ork to switch between screens but this wont work due to ork not keeping a relative position with the ui i figured it wouldnt but was worth a try
ORK will resize your prefab based on the bounds defined in the GUI box - i.e. your prefab must be set up to adjust itself when being resized (at the root of the prefab). You'll need different anchor preset settings for the different parts of the prefab (which also need to be parented on the correct parts for adjusting to the size).
I'll need more infos on your error, where is this happening, what are the settings, etc.
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no ork dosent resize the children correctly(i spent 6 hours working on this gil so i can fully say it dosent resize correctly and this is the first time ive had an issue with resizing when dealing with the new gui ive made many guis with out ork and know how to anchor everything correctly and make it resize right but ork messes with it) so if i anchor all my children the proper way and have the parent set to middle cause i do not want to stretch it out. which in turn messes with the children sizes and even if there anchors are set to say left side it will squish it more or make it a different size then the original ork uses different units when doing window resizing. and dosent work like the ui panel so when trying to combine the 2 it will resize stuff wrong. ive had to compensate some stuff to try to fix certain things by making things bigger and look wrong in the canvas. is there no way when using the new gui to just plug in the content box and have it keep every thing as is ? (even if that means to only resize it in the ugui window ) to me would make sense since you have to create it in the ugui window anyways. cause you cant see new gui elements in the gui editor so really makes no sense to resize it there ....
for the error ) all did was have a ugui window set up with a event to open close it, with a button i was trying to place in the on a part of the canvas. the button was set to position instead of list mode.
ORK doesn't resize the children, it only resizes the root object (and also adjusts the scale, based on the default screen size and the actual screen size). Can you send me your UI prefabs to test this out?
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should add this is the full mock up minus the buttons of how things should placed inthe content box kept stuff that could be done with text codes for easier ui setup
Used your prefab as content box for various GUI boxes (menus, HUDs, dialogues) and it all adjusted to the different size just fine. None of the issues you've pointed out happend on my end.
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every thing stayed aligned like its suppose to with out it messing up? cause i have to resize stuff bigger then normal in my child objects for ork to set it up right. since i cant take my prefab shape size and width and set it in ork on the content box which is a huge problem for me since you cant see how the content box looks in ork with out having to stop and hit play all the time. waste of extra time imo. any chance to stream line this a bit more so the work flow is smoother? even just adding the ability to use the size you have set up in the prefab as the size it should be in ork would be great
dont know how you do it but i cant get them to match up right since your scaling dosent match the original at all....
heres a pic at the content box and the inspector of the original
heres what it looks like when i hit play the original is in the back ground while the ork spawned one is in the foreground same width and height but they look completely different
cant use the same positioning either since itll place it some where else
The scale and position of the GUI box depends on your default screen size setting, the scaling settings and the actual resolution in-game. Those settings can be found in Game > Game Settings. Also, keep in mind that your UI prefab in the background isn't scaled in any way (unless you add components for that), it'd display in the same size in all resolutions (i.e. result being bigger or smaller or only showing parts of it).
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Which scaling is used is handled by the GUI layer the GUI box is on - the layer can either scale to full screen (i.e. ignore scaling and stretch for full screen use) or based on your scale settings.
I don't really see the need for having different scaling settings (more than either full screen or scaled).
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error comes from using positions instead of list
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ORKFramework.DialogueContent.CalculateContent (Single baseWidth, Boolean recalced)
ORKFramework.DialogueContent.Init (ORKFramework.GUIBox box)
ORKFramework.GUIBox.Tick (Single t)
ORKFramework.GUIHandler.Tick (Single t)
ORKFramework.GUIHandler.Tick ()
ORKFramework.ORKCore.FireTick ()
ORKFramework.ORKHandler.Update ()
also getting this errors as well
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Follow the game Development on Twitter https://twitter.com/Fore_Lore_Games
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I'll need more infos on your error, where is this happening, what are the settings, etc.
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for the error ) all did was have a ugui window set up with a event to open close it, with a button i was trying to place in the on a part of the canvas. the button was set to position instead of list mode.
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Can you send me your UI prefabs to test this out?
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should add this is the full mock up minus the buttons of how things should placed inthe content box kept stuff that could be done with text codes for easier ui setup
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Follow the game Development on Twitter https://twitter.com/Fore_Lore_Games
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None of the issues you've pointed out happend on my end.
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dont know how you do it but i cant get them to match up right since your scaling dosent match the original at all....
heres a pic at the content box and the inspector of the original
heres what it looks like when i hit play the original is in the back ground while the ork spawned one is in the foreground same width and height but they look completely different
cant use the same positioning either since itll place it some where else
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Follow the game Development on Twitter https://twitter.com/Fore_Lore_Games
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The scale and position of the GUI box depends on your default screen size setting, the scaling settings and the actual resolution in-game. Those settings can be found in Game > Game Settings.
Also, keep in mind that your UI prefab in the background isn't scaled in any way (unless you add components for that), it'd display in the same size in all resolutions (i.e. result being bigger or smaller or only showing parts of it).
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yeah cant use no scale due to it making the hotbar disappear any chance to add a way to add scaling per gui box?
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I don't really see the need for having different scaling settings (more than either full screen or scaled).
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