• @gammingislove these settings dont work since they still resize i dont even have scale to fit on the gui layer checked. im asking for a fixed position with out screen scaling with out need to do so in the game settings when things go out of place cause you cant scale based on which side of the screen your on but the whole screen specially if its scaling child objects to move with it but scaling them wrong. this problem only occurs with the new ui not the old ui. be better off with a system that allows you to do everything in the canvas and just attached ork scripts to reference things like inventory and such. this way it can all be built with in the scene keeping all the things the way you originally wanted them. the text scripts and slider scripts work excellent if you could just add in more scripts for the inventory ability's equipment stuff you would have a top tier new ui system. then these kind of problems would be obsolete. and the new ui would be fundamentally worth using with ork..

    this is all just my personal opinion
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