how can i make step which target a certain enemy? the get value step is for a target with lowest/highest stats
but how about to target an enemy which has certain status effect applied?
  • Use the Check Status step for all kinds of status requirements :)
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  • edited September 2015
    does it target the one which has that status, e.g the enemy had a poison status so he's is the current target of the next attack

    i thought it was for checking purposes only then if success the target is randomize
    Post edited by Alex1234 on
  • The Check Status step can check the already found targets and add new targets to the found targets. Only combatants that match the requirements will be used as targets.

    E.g. in your poison example, if there are 2 poisoned enemy combatants and you check enemy combatants for poison status effect, both combatants will be valid targets. If you're using an ability afterwards, it's up to the ability (and the combatant's AI target settings) which of the found targets will be used.
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