Wondering if anyone else is having this issue. I have a Custom Camera following my Player. However when I try and use a Change Camera Position in scene it does not recognize it or it simple does not move the camera to the desired position.
I also want to add, that within NPC convo. the Camera does stop and ork does see the camera. Is those I do lose control of the camera but it does not allow it to change the Position of the camera to change.
Could be: - your camera isn't the main camera and your events are set up to use the main camera (can be changed in the Event Settings of the event) - your custom control is still somehow influencing it, e.g. with an additional component you didn't add to ORK's custom control settings
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For those situations, you'll either need to unmount the camera from the player (and mount it back to the player afterwards) or use a different camera (disabling the player/main camera to prevent having 2 active cameras in the scene).
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what would be the best way for your suggestion. should i make the the camera a prefab and deactivate then reactivate? or is there something for deactivating a specific name?
Edit: I used activate option step and set up the main camera to deactivate and activate when needed, thank you. (noticed i posted on 2 different posts on the same issue, oops)
- your camera isn't the main camera and your events are set up to use the main camera (can be changed in the Event Settings of the event)
- your custom control is still somehow influencing it, e.g. with an additional component you didn't add to ORK's custom control settings
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If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
Edit: I used activate option step and set up the main camera to deactivate and activate when needed, thank you. (noticed i posted on 2 different posts on the same issue, oops)
Chillback Digital | web page | Itch.io page | Youtube Page | Made With Unity Page