I'm using the normal click/touch for movement, which works nicely and similarly on both desktop and mobile. For desktop users, I'd like to offer the additional control of allowing the player character to turn around in place via keyboard keys (mobile will just have to make to do with always need to move a bit to rotate their viewpoint).
I tried doing this with a (In Control state only) Global Event called by the Horizontal Input key, which would call an Event asset that set up to rotate the Player actor, but I couldn't get that to work. Is that the right approach?
It would be best to use a different player control script that suits your need, either write it yourself or get it somewhere (I'm pretty sure there are hundreds out there :D). You can use any kind of control with ORK, just select control type 'None' and add the script's name to allow ORK turning it on/off as needed (events, battles, etc.).
ORK's default control styles are only basic controls for demonstration - since there as many control styles out there as are games, it's hard to feature them all :D
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OK, I have a third-party camera & controller that's giving me the control I want, and by adding the camera and controller scripts in ORK as Behaviors, ORK blocks them correctly in events - yay. :D
One thing I haven't tried out yet -- does using a third party camera and controller mean I won't be able to do custom player-movements and camera-movements via ORK Events? Or any other limitations?
Nope - there are no limitations. ORK treats all control scripts the same way - it doesn't matter if it's one of the built-in or a custom control.
You can use movement and camera steps in events - like with the built-in controls, you simply need to block the player or camera control so that they don't interfere with any movement step :)
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You can use any kind of control with ORK, just select control type 'None' and add the script's name to allow ORK turning it on/off as needed (events, battles, etc.).
ORK's default control styles are only basic controls for demonstration - since there as many control styles out there as are games, it's hard to feature them all :D
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One thing I haven't tried out yet -- does using a third party camera and controller mean I won't be able to do custom player-movements and camera-movements via ORK Events? Or any other limitations?
You can use movement and camera steps in events - like with the built-in controls, you simply need to block the player or camera control so that they don't interfere with any movement step :)
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