Has anyone here ever uses difficulty levels?
I'm not sure to understand how they work.
In fact, I don't know if they are connected to a game slot or a player character, or something else...
Also I don't understand how to set up a difficulty level. If the Difficulty Menu is enabled, a clik on the "New Game" button always results in the following error: "IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range."
Concerning scripts, are ORK.Game.Difficulty.Get() and ORK.Game.Difficulty.Set(int) the right syntax?
ORK.Game.Difficulty = 0;
int difficultyIndex = ORK.Game.Difficulty;
I'm also getting the error, will be fixed in the next update!
In general, difficulties are used to optionally add additional bonuses to stuff based on the difficulty. You can also use it for different battle AIs or give a general boost to a faction's stats - e.g. increase the experience received from enemies in lower difficulties.
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