What are our options when the player dies? Load a previously saved game, which is the solution I'm using in my game prototype so far. End the game, using Auto Game Over or the Game Over event step.
Any other way to manage the player's death? For instance, is it possible to revive the player after the death, so he doesnt lose experience, loots and stats since the last save?
Basically it's up to you - despite the auto game over settings (for field and real time areas) in the game settings, you'll be able to do whatever you like in the Battle End Event you use on defeat.
So, you can call game over, revive the player, remove stuff from his inventory, load a different scene, ... the whole possibilities of the event system are available :)
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In fact, I haven't considered this solution because ORk doesn't takes account of my Battle End Event in real time battles. Is there any parameter that prevents ORK to activate a Battle End Event?
Real time battles using Real Time Battle Area components don't have battle start/end events - you'd need to use Battle components instead. Also, the start/end events are defined per battle system, so you'll need to set them up in Battle System > Real Time Battles.
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I'll add game over battle events for real time battle areas (and maybe death in the field) in one of the next updates, probably also a good solution :)
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So, you can call game over, revive the player, remove stuff from his inventory, load a different scene, ... the whole possibilities of the event system are available :)
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In fact, I haven't considered this solution because ORk doesn't takes account of my Battle End Event in real time battles.
Is there any parameter that prevents ORK to activate a Battle End Event?
Also, the start/end events are defined per battle system, so you'll need to set them up in Battle System > Real Time Battles.
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If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!