edited April 2016 in ORK Support

I was looking for some minimap addon like KFG Minimap but actually doesn´t run in Unity 5, I saw UGUI Minimap could be the best choice and I´ve bought it and test it in my project but I can´t assign the target minimap over my character prefab or I can´t see my character follow the camera map. There is another sort tutorial here or anyone could help me how to assign it?
Post edited by berbelias on
  • edited April 2016
    Did you try asking in the UGUI minimap forum thread in the Unity forums? I think you can get good help there. Usually there's a script you have to put on the player.

    Kolmich is developing a 5.x version of his KFG minimap---
    Post edited by Catacomber on
  • I'd need more infos on how UGUI Minimap needs to be set up to give advice :)
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  • edited August 2016
    Catacomber said: Did you try asking in the UGUI minimap forum thread in the Unity forums? I think you can get good help there. Usually there's a script you have to put on the player.
    Yes I´ve found a forum thread here: http://lovattostudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=47 but I couldn´t found anything about how to integrates with ORK, I´ll give a try and ask there, anyway there were a forum thread here about this asset : http://www.faq.rpg-kit.com/discussion/comment/15570/#Comment_15570 Shawn67 made a script I´ve tried to attach over my player but it doesn´t run.
    gamingislove said: I'd need more infos on how UGUI Minimap needs to be set up to give advice :)
    The asset is really simple I only need to drag one prefab in my hierarchy window and there and set some settings to run fine, I drag my player prefab to target the map canvas but the camera minimap doesn´t follow the character, I think I need a script and attach over my player prefab for running correctly.

    here are the settings of Bi_Mini Map Script:

    imagenes gratis

    Post edited by berbelias on
  • If you need the minimap game object attached to the player, there are 2 options to do that:
    - just add it to the player combatant's prefab, but this only works if the minimap has the same setup in each scene
    - use an Autostart event interaction to attach the minimap to the player > either on the player's prefab finding the minimap game object (actor using find object) or on the minimap using the player (you'll need a small delay here to make sure the player is already spawned)
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  • edited August 2016
    gamingislove said: - use an Autostart event interaction to attach the minimap to the player > either on the player's prefab finding the minimap game object (actor using find object) or on the minimap using the player (you'll need a small delay here to make sure the player is already spawned)
    Yes really run, I´ve created an Autostart event as you said and attached the MiniMap prefab over my player´s prefab and set finding minimap game object, but I found a little issue, when I press up, down, and left key the minimap disappears, and only appears with the right key as it happens in this video link I´ve uploaded:

    and overlap my menus screens when I press control Key

    I pause the game and I find the minimap mask displaced:

    imagen jpg

    Post edited by berbelias on
  • Well, if the minimap game object is turned (due to the player moving), that might lead to the actual canvas being rotated or moved out of view.

    Must the minimap be attached to the player? This setup seems not to be ideal - maybe try attaching it the the camera.
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  • edited April 2016
    gamingislove said: Must the minimap be attached to the player? This setup seems not to be ideal - maybe try attaching it the the camera.
    I´ve attached to the Main Camera in the scene, but I found another issue, the canvas doesn´t fit with minimap as I show in the image and doesn´t show the Minimap in Game.

    sube fotos

    Post edited by berbelias on
  • Well, you'll have to adjust the minimap's game object to fit your needs :)
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  • gamingislove said: Well, you'll have to adjust the minimap's game object to fit your needs :)
    I´ve adjusted and resize camera to fit my needs but some features included in the asset can´t run well, for example, my player icon doesn´t display or de minimap camera don´t follow the combatant player, the plus and minus icons doesn´t run... I think should be some script or something similar to integrates it. Shawn67 wrote something similar or in Lovatto studios forum could give me a alternative.
  • edited April 2016
    Hola @berbelias,
    Although I own UGUI Minimap from lovato (because of the level11 offer) I´m currently using DMMap, I don´t have intention to troll your efforts but it seems you are having a harsh time setting something that should not be so complicated.
    I am sucessfully using DMMap with ORK and the setup was done in less than 30 minutes. Off course because the way DMMap works you will need to spend time drawing your map.
    Let me know is this is something you would like to try and I´m happy to share.

    Post edited by RustedGames on
  • RustedGames said: I am sucessfully using DMMap with ORK and the setup was done in less than 30 minutes. Off course because the way DMMap works you will need to spend time drawing your map.
    Let me know is this is something you would like to try and I´m happy to share
    Thats really cool, how did you set up? I was trying with UGUI MiniMap, but I think I need some attached script, I´m not really a good programmer and could be a easy method to do it.
  • The setup is as easy as drag the DMMap prefab to the scene, then create your map following DMMap´s manual, and the last thing is to add the DMMap Icon script to your player and/or NPC´s to be displayed in the minimap (adding the icon image). DMMap also comes with a script to be added to the player if she is going to be spawned in the scene like ORK´s does to let DMMap find the target.
    I can elaborate more tomorrow on this and also how to handle hiding the minimap when ORK is displaying the in game menu, or in battles.
  • edited April 2016
    I´ll buy and download it and give a try, I watched the videotutorial and it is explained very easy, the only way is that I must spend time drawing the map mesh as you said above.
    RustedGames said: DMMap also comes with a script to be added to the player if she is going to be spawned in the scene like ORK´s does to let DMMap find the target.
    What script it is?

    Post edited by berbelias on
  • edited April 2016
    It´s called AssignMapFocus.cs.
    If you find your self not seeing the player icon in the minimap, check the alpha channel of the color material, by default it is set at 0. Now you might want to change the title of the post to: How I change from UGUIMap to DMMap ;)
    Post edited by RustedGames on
  • edited April 2016
    RustedGames said: It´s called AssignMapFocus.cs.
    If you find your self not seeing the player icon in the minimap, check the alpha channel of the color material, by default it is set at 0
    I attached the script to the player prefab and checked the alpha channel but I couldn´t see the icon, maybe I didn´t draw the map first.
    RustedGames said: Now you might want to change the title of the post to: How I change from UGUIMap to DMMap ;)
    Hehehe Thank you @RustedGames, I´ll check it and see if can help me to set up a good minimap with this asset I should change the title of the post or put solved it :P

    Post edited by berbelias on
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