(If it's in wrong section, feel free to remove it to the right one)
GIL, my camera position just isn't going to where I want it at all. I asked you once how to fix it, but I still can't solve it. I'll explain in detail of what I did exactly. For testing purposes, I created a simple scene which consist of my player, a box and a NPC. My goal was to go up the cube, click it, and the camera will switch to look at the NPC's face up close.
I tried using the method you mention. Using the scene wizard to create a camera position. I then position the camera view to the NPC's face and clicked save setting. After that I went to the event editor and created a new event:
Event Setting - Block player control - Block camera control - Change camera position.
For the Event Setting, I created 3 actors; player and cube and NPC. The block player and camera control are self explanatory. For the Change Camera Position, in the camera position section, I used the position of the camera that I created using the scene wizard. I put the actor to "NPC", and check the box 'fade position'. I save the event.
In the scene, I put an Interaction Event on the cube. I then clicked play.
I walked up to the cube and clicked it, but instead of going to the NPC"s face(as was the camera position), it just went straight down to his feet. It just totally ignore the camera position.
Any idea what I could have done wrong? I'm totally out of idea.
Did a small test and it's working at my end, check the following things:
- did you add the NPC game object to the event interaction's actor field (or did you use searching for the object)? - did you enable the block/unblock setting in the control block steps? Also on a side note, you can block the player/camera control in the event settings for the whole event, you don't need to add block steps every time :) - did you enable 'wait' in the change camera position step, or is there another step coming after it (e.g. a wait of a dialogue) that keeps the event from ending before the fade is done?
Post edited by gamingislove on
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I got it! I knew talking with you would help me. After reading your post, something just click in my mind. Thanks very much. And thanks for the block/unblock control in the event setting tip. Didn't know that. I still have a lot of question regarding the camera cinematic, but for now, this'll do. Thanks!
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It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
- did you add the NPC game object to the event interaction's actor field (or did you use searching for the object)?
- did you enable the block/unblock setting in the control block steps? Also on a side note, you can block the player/camera control in the event settings for the whole event, you don't need to add block steps every time :)
- did you enable 'wait' in the change camera position step, or is there another step coming after it (e.g. a wait of a dialogue) that keeps the event from ending before the fade is done?
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