using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ORKFramework;
using UnityEditor;
using ORKFramework.Editor;
namespace MyGame
public static class ORKConstantsGenerator
[MenuItem("Edit/Generate ORKConstants.cs")]
public static void Generate()
// Try to find an existing file in the project called "ORKConstants.cs"
string filePath = string.Empty;
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, "*.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) {
if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) == "ORKConstants") {
filePath = file;
// If no such file exists already, use the save panel to get a folder in which the file will be placed.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) {
string directory = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Choose location for ORKConstants.cs", Application.dataPath, "");
// Canceled choose? Do nothing.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory)) {
filePath = Path.Combine(directory, "ORKConstants.cs");
// Ensure that ORK is instantiated
if (!ORK.Instantiated)
Debug.Log("Generating ORKConstants.cs...");
// Write out our file
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(filePath)) {
writer.WriteLine("// This file is auto-generated. Modifications are not saved.");
writer.WriteLine("namespace MyGame");
// Write out the tags
writer.WriteLine(BuildClass("CombatantStatusValue", ORK.StatusValues.GetNames(false).ToList()));
writer.WriteLine(BuildClass("CombatantStatusEffect", ORK.StatusEffects.GetNames(false).ToList()));
writer.WriteLine(BuildClass("CombatantAbility", ORK.Abilities.GetNames(false).ToList()));
writer.WriteLine(BuildClass("CombatantEquipmentPart", ORK.EquipmentParts.GetNames(false).ToList()));
// End of namespace ORKConstants
// Refresh
private static string BuildClass(string className, List<string> constantNames)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" public static class ");
sb.AppendLine(" {");
for (int i = 0; i < constantNames.Count; i++)
sb.AppendLine(string.Format(" public const int {0} = {1};", MakeSafeForCode(constantNames[i].ToUpper()),
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Could not generate class {0}: {1}", className, ex.Message));
sb.AppendLine(" }");
return sb.ToString();
private static string MakeSafeForCode(string str)
str = Regex.Replace(str, "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", RegexOptions.Compiled);
if (char.IsDigit(str[0])) {
str = "_" + str;
return str;
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// This file is auto-generated. Modifications are not saved.
namespace MyGame
public static class CombatantStatusValue
public const int MAX_HEALTH = 0;
public const int HEALTH = 1;
public const int MAX_STAMINA = 2;
public const int STAMINA = 3;
public const int MAX_MANA = 4;
public const int MANA = 5;
public const int ATK = 6;
public const int DEF = 7;
public const int MATK = 8;
public const int MDEF = 9;
public const int AGI = 10;
public const int DEX = 11;
public const int LUK = 12;
public const int EXP = 13;
public static class CombatantStatusEffect
public const int POISON = 0;
public const int BLIND = 1;
public const int BLOCK = 2;
public const int ENCHANT_FIRE = 3;
public const int STRENGTHEN = 4;
public const int WEAKEN = 5;
public const int SPEED_UP = 6;
public const int SPEED_DOWN = 7;
public static class CombatantAbility
public const int TPC_MELEE_CALCULATION = 0;
public const int AI_ATTACK = 1;
public const int PLAYER_ATTACK = 2;
public const int MUG_ATTACK = 3;
public const int FIRE = 4;
public const int WATER = 5;
public const int POISON = 6;
public const int SMALL_HEAL = 7;
public const int BOOST = 8;
public const int LESSEN = 9;
public const int HEALTH_BONUS = 10;
public const int IMMUNE = 11;
public const int TEST_ATTACK = 12;
public static class CombatantEquipmentPart
public const int HELMET = 0;
public const int RIGHT_HAND = 1;
public const int LEFT_HAND = 2;
public const int ARMOR = 3;
public const int ACCESSORY = 4;
EDIT: Removed the Names[ ] array from the previous version, as it didn't really offer anything over just calling GetName() on the ORK array items. Also switched it to use cool old-school uppercase for the constant names, despite the fact that it's not the Approved .NET way. Take out the .ToUpper() call if you don't like the uppercase names. :-)
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// Ensure that ORK is instantiated
if (!ORK.Instantiated)
Does anyone have the full list available? If so, can you post to pastebin or somewhere?
Replace "// Write out the tags" section with:
// Write out the tags
// GUI
WriteEnum(writer, ORK.GUIBoxes);
// combatant
WriteEnum(writer, ORK.StatusValues, "CombatantStatusValue");
WriteEnum(writer, ORK.StatusEffects, "CombatantStatusEffect");
WriteEnum(writer, ORK.Abilities, "CombatantAbility");
WriteEnum(writer, ORK.EquipmentParts, "CombatantEquipmentPart");
Add this private method
private static void WriteEnum(StreamWriter writer, BaseSettings values, string enumTypeName = "")
string name = enumTypeName;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(enumTypeName))
name = values.GetType().Name;
name = name.Replace("Settings", string.Empty);
name = name.Trim();
writer.WriteLine(@" // Derived from " + values.GetType().FullName);
writer.WriteLine(BuildEnum(name, values.GetNames(false).ToList()));
Change the Build Class to
private static string BuildEnum(string enumTypeName, List<string> enumValues)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" public enum ");
sb.AppendLine(" {");
for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.Count; i++)
sb.AppendLine(string.Format(" {0} = {1},", MakeSafeForCode(enumValues[i].ToUpper()), i));
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Could not generate class {0}: {1}", enumTypeName, ex.Message));
sb.AppendLine(" }");
return sb.ToString();
This produces:
// Derived from ORKFramework.GUIBoxesSettings
public enum GUIBoxes
MainMenu = 0,
BottomDialogue = 1,
AreaNotification = 2,
// Derived from ORKFramework.StatusValuesSettings
public enum CombatantStatusValue
MaxHealth = 0,
Health = 1,
MaxStamina = 2,
This allows you to use enums (personal preference), and either use the actual name (such as "StatusValues" or provide your own name such as "CombatantStatusValues" as the enum type name.
I also changed it from upper snake case to Pascal case using below in the MakeSafeForCode method
str = cultureInfo.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(str.ToLower()).Replace("_", string.Empty);
If anyone wants the full class code, just let me know and I'll post its entirety to pastebin.
Thanks to both Keldryn and Shurijo!
Where can I get this script?
"Assets\Scripts\ORKConstantsGenerator.cs(9,20): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Editor' does not exist in the namespace 'ORKFramework' (are you missing an assembly reference?)"
@Keldryn I copied the ORKConstantsGenerator script into a new .cs file and this and only this error popped up in my console. But maybe this is a better question for GiL? I'm not sure.
I'm using Unity 2019.4.22(LTS) and using Visual Studio Community 2017 as my IDE if that helps. I'd love to hear ideas on what I can do to possibly fix this and use these constants.
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