It's me again :D
For my 2D game. I'm utilizing the Real Time Battle system.
Base attacks work great! And now I'm trying to create a skill based system that utilizes battle predication via visible range indicators that display upon selecting a skill by leveraging 2D raycasts.
(Basically like an AOE which is a circle and a movable reticle that can only move within the bounds of the circle which would be used for executing the skill)
Basic Model:
1. Player selects skill from battle menu
2. Blue aoe range appears with defined raycast distance
3. Player uses arrow keys or controller stick to move target execution reticle within defined aoe range
4. Confirmation of the reticle location would then yield to Ork battle event processing
From exploring ork, I managed to utilize the Raycast settings by setting the target range to none and defining some properties for the raycast.
A Few Questions:
1. Are target position selections via raycast only available using Mouse or Touch? Are there natural settings in ork that would allow me to defer those controls to alternative inputs (such as the arrow keys on the keyboard?)
2. Since the raycast is invisible, I wanted to find a way to make it visible by using a light blue translucent prefab. Is there a setting that allows some custom editing to the raycast?
3. Lastly, my instincts tell me that I'll be needing to create more custom features via script (which I'm happy to do!) I just wanted to make sure if Ork had features in its API that would allow me to create my own target setting procedure at least (somewhat smoothly?) based on the Basic model that I proposed (which is always up for re-evaluation based on constraints)
3) If you want to get your custom settings into ORK for this, you'll have to change it in the source code. The TargetRaycast class is what you're looking for.
I'm always open for improvements, so I should be able to add at least spawning a prefab on the user (if it's a player controlled combatant) during the target raycast selection to the next update :)
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That is a great upgrade(1+2) if could be added in your roadmap :)
But in general, if you added some functionality to handle 1 + 2 in the next update...
You would officially become my new best friend!
(sorry current best friend)
Thanks GiL!
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