
I just wanted to note that for some reason I need to add a 0.5 second Wait step preceding my Combatant Animation step for all my Mecanim based battle events. This is not a problem :) I just thought I'd bring it up in case others were having some issues with some of their animations not playing in the newer version. I'm guessing it's a Unity thing. I didn't have to have it in all of the animations up until I started using Unity 5.5.

  • edited March 2017
    Yeah, most likely a Unity 5.5 thing ... but since Unity 5.5 has been a requirement for some time now and no one reported this yet, it might also have to do with your setup :)
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • That would make sense. Well, it anyone else has an issue, hopefully know this helps :)
  • I've had this issue for ages now. Pretty sure way before Unity 5.5 even. It feels like you need that 'wait' action in order for Mecanim to have enough time to think and execute, or something.
  • Yeah, I had the issue with about a third of my Mecanim animations before this as well. I found it interesting that virtually all of them that are non-movement related (E.g. Use, Attack, Cast etc.) require the 0.5 second wait. Run, Walk, and Idle work fine but are also handled differently. At least they work once again :)
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