I've been dealing with a weird Unity issue where about 75% of the time if I make a small change to a scene, switch scenes, or do anything to the project in general, really, it brings up a progress window: 'Importing Small Assets' for 3-10 seconds. It's been happening since around last fall.
I got frustrated and decided to rebuild in a new project. But after I imported the ORK project file + folder containing all of my ORK events (Around 500~) the issue began to rear its ugly head again. Even reducing it to 200 event files + meta caused the issue. Removing the event folder stopped it again.
Maybe an issue with the project file, or a specific event or do you figure the sheer number of events is causing the notification to appear? (Even if it's doing something as simple as opening and closing the ORK framework editor without doing anything!) Not sure why the editor thinks it needs to be reimporting small assets (event files?) over and over, any ideas? :(
ORK will only actively update events (or other stuff) when you save in the editor and enable updating them. Saving/switching a scene doesn't trigger anything in ORK at all, i.e. that's all up to Unity. I have no idea why they'd reimport all those assets just for changing or saving a scene ...
Do you have any other asset imported, e.g. some kind of asset manager or backup tool?
Post edited by gamingislove on
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Not as far as I can tell! Just a few frameworks used in the game. Super weird. Maybe Unity thinks that the event files are being altered, and tries to reimport them every time, for some reason...?
I've been observing this issue for the past few months also. However because it happens so sporadically for me I've never managed to get to the bottom of what is causing it. If you find anything out please let us know!
What Unity version are you using? I'm working with Unity 5.5.0 (to keep the lowest possible version compatibility) and never had that issue when saving scenes ... although I don't have that much assets in my project :)
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5.6 here; but I believe the problem actually started as soon as I installed 5.4. :( I wish the 'Importing Small Assets' could be less uselessly vague...
Well, ORK currently doesn't support Unity 5.6 - but than again, I don't think that ORK has anything to do with that behaviour at all :)
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It does trigger with only those ORK events for some reason; but there must be some weird specific Unity issue that's forcing them to be reimported over and over.
Hopefully I can figure out what the problem is and not be forced to trash all of my events and rewrite them. (!)
It's probably not the event asset specifically, rather the total amount of assets in the project that's causing Unity to do that (for whatever reason). So, rewriting your events will most likely not change that :)
Post edited by gamingislove on
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Hey, I'm having the same problem and I figured out what is causing it for me. Some times when I save the project I get this error: Failed to unload 'Assets/_ORK_Project_Backups/637041493444476041.asset' UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:DeleteAsset(String) ORKFramework.Editor.ORKAssetHelper:SaveORKProject(Boolean) ORKFramework.Editor.EditorSecurity:SaveProject(Boolean) ORKFramework.Editor.ProjectSaveHandler:SaveData(ORKEditorWindow) ORKFramework.Editor.ProjectSaveHandler:ShowGUI(ORKEditorWindow) ORKFramework.Editor.ORKEditorWindow:OnGUI() UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
when I looked into my ORK backups I had like 220 items in there. When I deleted extra backups the message disappeared. I think there is a problem deleting ORK Backups which accumulates them. What could be causing this?
What's your defined number of backups in Editor > Backups and which Unity version are you using?
I've been working with the same Unity projects for years and my backups where kept to the defined number ...
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backup number is 10. It's the unity bug itself of: Failed to unload 'Assets/_ORK_Project_Backups/637041493444476041.asset' UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:DeleteAsset(String) ORK is calling delete but it does not go through. I think it might be related to Collab? But I only get this message with ORK. I'll try to investigate more.
Hm - if it's a Unity issue, there's not much I can do. It could be that it's due to some other asset or functionality (like Collab) is interfering with deleting assets.
Something that caused issues for some in the past was having your project on a drive with very little space left.
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Do you have any other asset imported, e.g. some kind of asset manager or backup tool?
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Super weird. Maybe Unity thinks that the event files are being altered, and tries to reimport them every time, for some reason...?
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
One person the latter link mentioned that using symbolic links may have caused this bug/behavior in recent unity versions, if that means anything.
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
I've been observing this issue for the past few months also. However because it happens so sporadically for me I've never managed to get to the bottom of what is causing it. If you find anything out please let us know!
I'm working with Unity 5.5.0 (to keep the lowest possible version compatibility) and never had that issue when saving scenes ... although I don't have that much assets in my project :)
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I wish the 'Importing Small Assets' could be less uselessly vague...
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
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It does trigger with only those ORK events for some reason; but there must be some
weird specific Unity issue that's forcing them to be reimported over and over.
Hopefully I can figure out what the problem is and not be forced to trash all of my events and rewrite them. (!)
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
So, rewriting your events will most likely not change that :)
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Failed to unload 'Assets/_ORK_Project_Backups/637041493444476041.asset'
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
when I looked into my ORK backups I had like 220 items in there. When I deleted extra backups the message disappeared.
I think there is a problem deleting ORK Backups which accumulates them.
What could be causing this?
I've been working with the same Unity projects for years and my backups where kept to the defined number ...
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It's the unity bug itself of:
Failed to unload 'Assets/_ORK_Project_Backups/637041493444476041.asset'
ORK is calling delete but it does not go through. I think it might be related to Collab?
But I only get this message with ORK. I'll try to investigate more.
It could be that it's due to some other asset or functionality (like Collab) is interfering with deleting assets.
Something that caused issues for some in the past was having your project on a drive with very little space left.
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