
When using the battle camera settings to change the view based on which character is using a menu. The issue is when the first character (main) selects his target the camera does not change but when the other team members select their targets the view changes properly.

I also tested and switched around players to different positions and the issues only happens with the player position on the far left side.

I have three players left middle and right.
The left position when selecting a target does not change.

Not sure if I have a settings causing this.
I hope this makes a little sense.


  • Hm, working fine on my end. Are you using any of the Check Distance or Check Viewport settings?
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  • edited November 2017
    Yes , Thank You. I was using the Check View Port Settings. I didn't understand how those effected the cam. Makes plenty sense now. :)

    How does the Battle Camera - Transitions work? Do these allow the camera to move smoothly between positions?

    Post edited by gameintern on

  • Yes, but transitions are only used if your camera control extends from ORK's BaseCameraControl class, like the built-in camera controls.
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