Hi, newbie here :) so sorry if my question will sound stupid.
I created a scene that will serve as a battleground, where the player will be taken to during random battles. For testing purposes, I made it the starting scene and added the gamestarter to that scene. Unfortunately, combatants do not spawn. Only an allyspot spawns despite the fact that the default battlespots are two for allies and one for enemies. I also assigned the combatants to the battle component.
Any possible things I missed?
How will ork recognize that a prefab is valid? It is in 2d by the way.
For your actual in-game battles (i.e. not testing in the battle scene), check out this gameplay tutorial for having battles take place in a different scene.
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MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'UnityEngine.Transform.SetPositionAndRotation'.
ORKFramework.GroupSpots.SetSpot (GroupAdvantageType advantage, UnityEngine.Transform arenaTransform, UnityEngine.Transform spotTransform)
ORKFramework.BattleSpotsSettings.SetAllySpot (Int32 index, GroupAdvantageType advantage, UnityEngine.Transform arenaTransform, UnityEngine.Transform spotTransform)
ORKFramework.Behaviours.BattleComponent.SetNextAllySpot (ORKFramework.Combatant combatant, GroupAdvantageType advantage)
ORKFramework.Battle.Join (ORKFramework.Combatant combatant)
ORKFramework.Battle.Join (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 list)
ORKFramework.Behaviours.BattleComponent.AddTeamToBattle (Int32 index)
ORKFramework.Behaviours.BattleComponent.StartBattle ()
ORKFramework.Behaviours.BattleComponent.StartEvent (UnityEngine.GameObject startingObject)
ORKFramework.Behaviours.BaseInteraction+d__40.MoveNext ()
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Coroutines.cs:17)
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