
I am noticing that when I use the Dialogue node or if I am using the Item Collector Component.
When the chosen box comes up it will display all the menu screen layers on top on each other.

Not sure if this is a Bug or if I have a certain thing checked incorrectly.

  • edited December 2017
    To add to this, for example:

    I just noticed that When I use the "Save Game" Option in scene which is attached to a object all my menus are being displayed. I cant for the life of me see what is causing this.

    Not sure why this type of behavior is happening. I hope I am being clear. Its hard to explain.
    I will send you a video displaying this to help.
    Post edited by gameintern on

  • From the videos I'd say that you've somewhere set up that the input key used for interacting is also calling those menus.

    This could be set up either directly in the menu screens or via a global event that's called by the input key.
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  • edited December 2017

    At the moment I have the "Y" Button Bring up the Menu and the "A" Button for selection.
    So far I do not see the connection that would cause it.

    i will look again
    Post edited by gameintern on

  • Hello,

    So I think I was able fix it.
    So when you told me the two places to look that enanbled me to focus on just those locations. Which lead me to the HUD. There is a option called "No Display"

    which means :

    No Display: This HUD wont be displayed in the game.
    Use this option for HUDs that are used as templates (e.g. for combatant pages in menu screens). If disabled, the HUD will be displayed according to it's display conditions.

    Now I dont know exactly what that means but I didnt want it displaying. :)

    But It is working now by selecting "No displaying" under HUDS. But maybe you can clarify what it means a bit.


  • Well, the No Display setting pretty much turns off a HUD, so that it isn't displayed in the game.

    This can be needed when you set up multiple HUDs to experiment with different looks, or when a HUD is used elsewhere, e.g. in a Combatant menu part or a Bestiary dialogue.

    If No Display is disabled (i.e. the HUD will be shown), the HUD is displayed base on the display conditions, e.g. game states and toggle status.
    Since your issue was HUD related, I guess you either toggled the HUDs on when using the input key, or they had a game state condition that displayed them when interacting with something (e.g. player controls blocked).
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