This bug drives me crazy since a couple of hour, I hope to find help here :)
It's very simple: I hit play in Unity and the Main Menu of my ORK project launchs. Then, I click New Game, the menu disappears ... and nothing. The scene is still my main menu scene.
Calling a new game makes the _NewGameSceneChanger appears in the Hierarchy Tab. The Target scene and the Spawn ID of the scene changer are the good ones but the start type is set to none.
Strange - do you get any error messages in the Unity console?
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no error message or warning. I deleted my main menu scene and made a new one, without success. I changed the destination scene of the "new game" button, without success.
Please send me your ORK project file (Assets/ORK Framework/ORKProject.asset) and the start event you're using - I'll check if I can reproduce this behaviour (else I'll need a small Unity project ...).
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For those facing a similar problem: check if you've set your project's time scale to 0 (Edit > Project Settings > Time)
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If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on!
I deleted my main menu scene and made a new one, without success.
I changed the destination scene of the "new game" button, without success.
I'm lost :/
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Thank you!
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