edited May 2019 in ORK Support
Ok - say I have a magician. I want them to flee from the enemy or go to certain waypoints on the battlefield, cast a few magic spells, switch to a move AI that normally hunts aggressively so it runs back to the enemy, and then back to the first AI.

So far I have the switching of the AI's done. Magician stays in the back of the field until they switch to the move AI that hunts the enemy and then they move towards it to use base attacks. However, they don't run back to the waypoints once switching back to the magician move ai. Any idea what I could do?

Another question is sometimes during real time battles if I press my base attack button outside the template range(5) for the target, when I run up to the target, I lose control of the character who just spams their base attack (I have 3 base attacks, it only does the first) for an undetermined amount of time before I'm able to gain control of the character. Auto attack IS off, so I'm unsure what's going on there.

Lastly I have a legacy UI error which is probably me but I can't for the life of me find what I'm doing wrong. Basically whenever I have a choice dialogue/UI box, I always get a tiny black rectangle in the corner. This box will stay after choosing a dialogue/closing box until the event is over.
Post edited by PBoTG on
  • What's the magician's move AI Use Mode? You should be able to force moving to waypoints using the Idle mode. You can also change the use mode in the battle AI (or events).

    I'd need to know more about your setup, e.g. is the attack button also starting a target selection or is it auto targeting - does the attack even have targets or is it using None targets and you're just swinging a sword?
    If the combatant is AI controlled, it should move toward the target to get into range. Might also be the battle events moving once the ability is used (if your events move toward the target).

    Hm, the UI issue seems strange ... my first guess would be the name box of the used GUI box, but that'd be closed with the dialogue.
    Maybe it's one of your HUDs?
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  • edited May 2019
    Was a hud issue for the UI!

    So my last issue with running to the target is that they would run before every attack and end up falling into the ground/or above enemy from awhile back. So I set up templates to only attack within a certain range

    Here's the settings on my basic attack:

    Here's the magician's AI info

    Also I do have two more questions if that's okay.

    Is it possible when you open a menu to auto change to the button list? Right now I have to click the button list to scroll down, as opposed to automatically starting selected on Inventory.

    Also, I'm trying to make an event that moves the player. The player will face the direction but not move. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

    Thanks and sorry for all the questions!!
    Post edited by PBoTG on
  • The menu should actually have focus, unless some other UI already has the focus (e.g. another menu part that can be controlled or a dialogue that already is open). Where is the menu called from (e.g. via an input key or a game event) and is there another menu part added that could have control (e.g. another button list or an inventory).

    Can you show the rest of the settings of the Change Position node? Due to the node's info, I'd guess the issue is that you're using fading but have a time of 0 seconds.
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  • It's called from the input key - which on press shows the combatant info part(the main menu) and the button list. I'm pretty sure the focus tries to go to the combatant info, but I have that as uncontrollable since the primary part of accessing the menu should be the button list.

    I could get you a screenshot of change position later although I guess that would be a Monday thing for you.
  • Try having the button list be the first part of the menu, although that shouldn't really make a difference (and didn't in my quick test).

    Yeah, please post a screenshot, although I'm quite certain it's the 0 second time when using fading. You should either use a time greater than 0 or not use fading.
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  • Ok, no screenshots necessary - it was something I overlooked lol...

    Basically all of this is mostly solved except my Battle AI stuff and the player character getting stuck in a base attack loop when I use a template.

    for the attack this is how it's set up - maybe I'm doing something wrong?


    and this is what the battle ai looks like

    I'm not sure if I'm setting up waypoints for battle AI's correctly?
  • The attacks setup looks fine to me - how is the attack called (e.g. control map or battle menu), or is your player AI controlled?

    As for the move AI - you basically set the combatant to follow itself in the Set Move AI Target node, so that wouldn't work. Either use the Idle or Waypoint movement mode, or use a Change Move AI Mode node to change to Idle use mode.
    Usually, you'd set the waypoints for a move AI in the Combatant Spawner or Add Combatant components that add the combatant to the scene. If you want to add them in an idle behaviour in the move AI, you'd need to find the waypoints using a Search Objects node to have them available - move events only have the moving object as actor and waypoint.
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  • It's called via a control map. I think the issue happens more so when I'm out of the template range, click the attack button, but it doesn't fire since I'm not in range -> but then when I go into range it attacks nonstop.

    And so - for movement,
    I should do Change Move Ai Mode - Idle
    Search Objects - add the waypoints?
    Would that all be in the move event then?
  • Yeah, that could be the problem - can you post the control map settings for that action?

    I'd first add the waypoints and change to idle mode afterwards, but there's a small issue with the general setup. The idle behaviour events are only used when the combatant is idle after reaching a waypoint, the'yre mostly used for animating the combatant between waypoints (e.g. waiting, looking around, etc.).
    So, the combatant would already have to be in idle mode, e.g. set from a battle AI or battle event (from an ability or item).
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  • image

    Here's the control map for attacks. It goes attack1->2->3. then resets back to the first index
  • Try enabling Need Targets.
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  • Still happening after enabling Need Targets - although it appears to be happening less. Could it potentially be the way targetting is set up in Battle Settings then?
  • Hm, try disabling Use Auto Targets and enabling Need Targets :)
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