Now the cost of grid movement are being calculated not on the basis of number of cells a combatant walks over, but on the Move Cost of a cell the combatant end his movement on. The number of cells one can travel during the turn is limited to the range setting.
How to make a system which calculates grid moment cost as a sum of all move costs of all cells a combatant walks over during moment? I also want to disable movement range, so the movement range will be limited only by the number of action points a combatant has and a formula for move cell cost.
You can also set the move cost of your cells to 0 and only use the Action Cost settings.
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Both in Battle Grid Example and in my project grid move cost is being calculated in a way I described. Could you check if there is no bug in in the new version of a framework? The only thing that is being spend when moving as you described is move range.
The UI on top is set up in the Info Text settings of the Move Command, the one at the cell is the Examine Grid settings for examining a cell. Both set up in Battle System > Battle Grid Settings.
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It sounds like you're using the Default Action Cost or Grid Move Cost defined in the battle system type you're using, resulting in an action cost of 1 for using a grid move and not having actual action cost for the cells.
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