I'm trying to call a function on a third party asset; and it continually seems to return that the method isn't be found, even though I'm calling it correctly.
I notice in his documentation that for the code using it, I'd naturally need to import the namespace, for example:
using Com.LuisPedroFonseca.ProCamera2D;
Is it necessary for me to 'import the namespace' in makinom in order for me to access this function? Is this possible to input this anywhere? I feel like I've done this before but it just seems to be slipping my mind at the moment.
Have you tried using namespace and class name combined?
I.e. 'Com.LuisPedroFonseca.ProCamera2D' instead of just 'ProCamera2D'.
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Component type not found: Com.LuisPedroFonseca.ProCamera2D
It's odd; I can access other components by the same asset, just not the main one, it seems.
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
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If you can send me a small Unity test project I could take a loot on what's going on, and add functionality if it's caused by Makinom.
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