I had tried to look into the refection of the function node of CinemachineFreeLook, but I don't find any XAxis or MaxSpeed float.

I have looked into the manual.

And the API

On the API there is only the m_XAxis for changing the Camera XAxis but not the MaxSpeed.
So how do I get the MaxSpeed float from Cinemachine so I can change it?
  • Hm, I don't think this is currently possible in ORK, as the max speed is a field of a field - you'd need to use m_XAxis.m_MaxSpeed to access it and that's not supported.
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  • So... Can I somehow use a script to change it MaxSpeed base on the script Variable and then use Function node to change Scripts Variable? Will that possible?
  • Yes, you can write a function and use it to set the max speed - using a Call Function node also allows you to pass e.g. a float value to the function as a parameter.
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  • Great! I just learned about function on Unity learn. Will try to make it. Thank :)
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