Hi all

I want to create, purely for my own personal interest, an Ultima style game (yes, I'm old enough that I remember Ultima as being state of the art).

Is that something that I can create in Ork? I'm not after fighting particularly, but if it featured it, it would be the japanese rpg style. I want to have a navigable world map, and the usual questy, conersation options, but all in glorious, badly drawn, top-down, 2 dimensions.

Lots of the examples I see created in Ork are very RPG but not "simple" and I wonder whether it's overkill for what I want, and whether what I'm trying to mess about with perhaps can be done in a lesser thing.



  • edited October 2019
    Ork can handle all of those elements found in old school RPGs. Id suggest having a familiarity with Unity beforehand, and Ork does have a significant learning curve, so it's highly recommended that you complete the tutorial first.

    But it can handle your quests, items, abilities, characters, and dialogue in a quick and easy way. The complexity of your game is entirely up to you, Ork isn't dependent on it. It enables people like me (artist with little to no programming experience) to make games, so I'd recommend it to most people. At the very least it'll save you time setting up the systems I mentioned.
    Post edited by Wrofir on
    Miuratale : coming March 29 2025
  • Man ... I loved Ultima VIII back in the day :)

    Doesn't really matter if you want to go simple or complex, ORK offers you a wide range of systems (most of them optional), which you can configure to your needs. I'd recommend to just check it out if it's for you and go through the complete game tutorial series to learn using ORK. Can also be done with the free test version.
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  • Thanks. It's kind of this or GameMaker. I like game maker but it gets messy very quickly and the idea of having things like Quests available without having to code them from scratch is very tempting.

    I don't know a thing about unity really, so that might be a challenge, but then again, you never know anything about something until you do.

  • In that case check out some of Unity's beginner tutorials :)
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  • Thanks all.

    One more question, will Ork do games using isometric based tilemaps?
  • ORK is mainly an RPG background system, handling all your game systems - so it doesn't really matter if you're doing 2D, 3D, isometric, tile based or whatever :)
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