I was using the 'Brown Pants' example character to create my game, but I want to change it and purchase some assets. I create a new Combatant using my new assets and use the Join Group event to include it in the first scene of the game.
But I have a problem with that, the character not move when I change the assets, what I can do to correct that?
Do you have animations for you character?
Have you set them up on the Character as well as in ORK?
Btw if you were trying to just swap character, it's not as simple as just changing the model. You won't be able to use Brown Pants animations on another character than @gamingislove 's provided tutorial eggmen characters. Those animations are legacy and only for those eggmen
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@SteveS, my problem is because I don't know how to create a prefab like the 'Brown Pants' prefab, how I could create a prefab like the 'BrownPants' prefab?
To create a prefab like BrownPants, just drag the fbx back into the project panel. And if you are using legacy, be sure to match the name of your animations within ORK's animations too, as SteveS said, those animations name are only for BrownPants.
It's also good to learn from the premade demo prefabs themselves.
Don't be afraid to break the demo project, you can always re-download it. Trial and Error are the best teachers.
ORK Framework requires you to already know your way around Unity.
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The character appears to move, when I click in the mouse button, the character change the position. But I still have a problem, when the game begins the character fall through the scenario, why this is happening?
But if I choose the 'Brown Pants', the Brown Pants don't 'fall' through the scenario.
If its the character controller, just move it upwards - if its the root position, add a spawn offset in the combatant's settings.
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I try with many differents different characters that I purchase(from different creators) and all of them floats at same level.
I begin to use the character controller to see if I could resolve the issue. After many try and error tests, I set the Character Controller Center Y to 1 and the Radius to 0, my character finally appear on the ground now.
Thanks @gamingislove for the support. Thanks too for @SteveS and @Shadow_Fire for the tips
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