Hello. :)
I managed to understand how to spawn combatants in scene and then teleport the battle in arena. But now, i have some problems with Spawn Area! I don't know if i changed a settings without thinking, but now if i use Spawn Combatant Area the monster always spawn on player position, starting the battle immediately, even if the setting of the event are Autostart, so it should spawn at scene loading instead... Any advice?^^
A related question: how to add a custom control in move AI? I simply tried to insert the name of a simple random movement script but it just give a lot of errors and it is not working. :D
You can't use another random movement script alongside the move AI - you can only use custom movement scripts (i.e. that will handle moving to a target position of the move AI) by selecting the Custom component type in the move AI. If you want to use your own random movement, I'd suggest not using the move AI on those combatants :)
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Oh okey. :)
How do you suggest to disable the movement script when entering battle? If i simply attack a script to enemies they keep moving in arena. :D
My old entry for Indie Game Making Contest 2015
You can disable the script in the battle start event, use the Enable Component step (Function Steps).
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My Area are set to Autostart, but actually only as soon as i enter the area trigger the npc spawn, and of course it spawns on the player and battle start. :)
I will try to set custom movements in that way, thanks!
My old entry for Indie Game Making Contest 2015
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