edited June 2014 in ORK Support

I have a question about setting up the player to use animations.

I followed the tutorial for setting up a custom player and although I had a few issues, I figured it out. Right now my Player can use the Idle Animation, but for some reason it will not walk or run. I'm not sure if it's because I have to do something with the Animation Types or if My Animator is incorrect or what. I guess what I need to know is -

Is my Animator Correct and is what I have in Ork Correct for Legacy and what is the process for Mecanim?








I hope this helps solve the issue!
  • edited June 2014
    I decided not to use Mecanim right now but it does work, you just need to know how Mecanim works. (I am still learning :)

    I am not 100% but check :

    In the Ork Framework Menu goto
    Combatants - Combatants
    Then in the Animation & Movement area
    Check to see if your Player is set to Mecanim

    It may help.

    Plus it looks like you are trying to use Mecanim with Legacy Setup.

    Post edited by gameintern on

  • If your combatant uses Mecanim, setting up legacy animations in the animation settings wont help. You need to set up mecanim animations there. Also, like gameintern said, you need to set your combatant to use Mecanim in its settings.
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  • I think I figured out what the issue is, I'm about to try it now. I switched the settings in Ork to Mecanim and now I'm going to go through my animator to make sure everything there is set up properly. I found a tutorial on properly setting up Mecanim Animations. I'll post the results!
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