Hi, I want to create more options for the main menu, I only have 'New Game' and 'Load Game'.
Since I'm create a game for mobile, I want to have options like 'More apps' and 'Rate' and some others that I can think in future.
Is this possible?
I see a Custom Choice option in the Menu -> Main Menu settings, I create two custom choices, one named 'Rate' and other called 'More Apps', but I don't know how to use it, I just want to use the basic Url function of Unity 'Application.OpenURL ("http://unity3d.com/");'
The Custom Choices in the main menu are used to call your custom scripts on a game object. You'll need to: - create a simple component that does what you need - add it to a game object in the main menu scene - set up your custom choice to find the object (e.g. by searching for your component) - set up your custom choice to call a function in your script
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I create a Custom Choice with the text 'More Apps'. Then I create a game object called 'CustomSelect' and attach a C# script to it called 'AppRedirect' and create inside the 'AppRedirect' a method 'void moreApps()'.
So I have a 'CustomSelect' game object, a script called 'AppRedirect' and a method 'moreApps'.
In the Custom Choices, specific in Call Obejct Settings, the Search Type, I choose 'Name', the Search Name, I write 'CustomSelect', in Function Settings settings, the Component Name I write AppRedirect and finally in Function name I write moreApps.
But when I run the game I click in the More Apps option in the main menu and receive a error message:
Method not found (AppRedirect): moreApps
I try to change the 'Search Type' to component, but it not works.
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When I click the Rate button, the game is redirected to the webpage that I want, but when I come back to the game, the menu is not appearing anymore. How I can get the menu appear again? or it's possible that the menu not disappear?
The main menu will automatically close when a custom choice is selected. You can open it again by using this code:
To access this, you have to import the ORKFramework namespace:
using ORKFramework;
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You'll need to:
- create a simple component that does what you need
- add it to a game object in the main menu scene
- set up your custom choice to find the object (e.g. by searching for your component)
- set up your custom choice to call a function in your script
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Then I create a game object called 'CustomSelect' and attach a C# script to it called 'AppRedirect' and create inside the 'AppRedirect' a method 'void moreApps()'.
So I have a 'CustomSelect' game object, a script called 'AppRedirect' and a method 'moreApps'.
In the Custom Choices, specific in Call Obejct Settings, the Search Type, I choose 'Name', the Search Name, I write 'CustomSelect', in Function Settings settings, the Component Name I write AppRedirect and finally in Function name I write moreApps.
But when I run the game I click in the More Apps option in the main menu and receive a error message:
Method not found (AppRedirect): moreApps
I try to change the 'Search Type' to component, but it not works.
public void moreApps()
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When I click the Rate button, the game is redirected to the webpage that I want, but when I come back to the game, the menu is not appearing anymore. How I can get the menu appear again? or it's possible that the menu not disappear?
You can open it again by using this code:
To access this, you have to import the ORKFramework namespace:
using ORKFramework;
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