I'm currently trying to figure out how to work with inventory and equipment and I have some questions. Can you suggest a better way to organize the following ideas?
I need each item type to have its own properties. I tried to do this through the Equipment Variables option, but I realized that if I want, for example, to display these variables as characteristics in the store, then they will not have translation (you can, of course, use third-party tools, but this is not convenient, because ORK has a very handy localization system). Therefore, I had an idea to prescribe all these properties in Status Values.
Would this be the most convenient option, or is status values ​​still more for the character than for his weapons? I most likely still do not understand some of the basics, so I would like to know how it was originally intended to work with such things in this framework.
  • Hm, what kind of properties are we talking about?
    If we're talking about just numerical values, you can just add those values to the regular descriptions text - but if it's text, yeah, that'll get tricky.

    You can change the name and description of individual item or equipment instances, also using different language content.
    E.g. an item's or equipment's init schematic could do that - it has the item/equipment available as selected data via the key action. The Change Selected Data Name and Change Selected Data Description node you can change the name or description of the item/equipment.
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