ORK Framework 3.2.0This update adds improvements to aggression state notifications (i.e. notifying other group/faction members), optional default setups for item collectors, new Unity UI module components and other new features changes and fixes.
See all details in the
release notes.
Most of the cool new features are in the included
Makinom 2.3.0, though.
Makinom 2.3.0This update adds support for no domain reloading in Unity (i.e. faster playtesting), improves the settings search in the editor, adds optional line of sight checks for interactions and other new features, changes and fixes.
Additionally, displaying UI boxes or HUDs at the position of a game object on-screen can now use world space canvases if the game object they’re displayed for have a ‘Canvas’ attached.
See all details in the
release notes.
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Very thank’s!!
New ORK Battle Game
Please add this function of ORK2 to the Move AIs of ORK3.
Customize the selection of mobile components.
Please add this feature to ORK3 for ORK2.
Block Move AI
The movement component is now set up on the combatant, not the move AI.
This is so that combatants can share the same move AI even when moved by different components. There is also a default movement component setup for all combatants in the combatant general settings (Combatants > Combatants > General Settings).
Events being replaced by schematics has some changes. Blocking controls is still done in the Settings node, but blocking move AI or control maps can't be done here. You can do this via nodes.
When schematics are used to animate battle actions, you have an option there to block the user's move AI (e.g. in the ability's battle animation settings).
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New search is very good. Auto jump is super useful.
Highlighting feedback
Background higlights of settings are almost indestiguashable. They does not do their jobs.
I have experiemented with colors but have not found any usable color.
Maybe it is better to also highlight a setting name ? (it would be much more visible)
In dark mode, it's best to increase the Intensity of the color, e.g. set it to 1 or 2 to make it visible better.
Also, yeah ... would love to also highlight the name as well, or even better, have a color background accross the whole setting. Just haven't found a good way to do that - Unity editor GUI is somewhat complex for things like that.
I'll try to improve in future updates.
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PreSearchLabelColor = GUI.contentColor;
GUI.contentColor = yourColor;
And resetting it after (in another code block)
GUI.contentColor = PreSearchLabelColor;
Seems to work.
Will make changes in the next update :)
Thanks for testing!
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If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
Interaction Machine does not work on Android phones.
Can you give me more details on your setup?
How are you starting the interaction?
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I am using NavMeshAgent, all with capsule triggers.
At this time the interaction state machine does not work on Android phones.
If you use Character Controller, it will work on Android phone.
It sounds like an issue with the agent not moving the whole player (e.g. with the interaction controller).
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