You can do it in few ways, like SendMessage to game object with look animator attached, code:Code wise it's pretty clear, but I'm just not sure how to use it. Ideally, I'd like to be able to make it a node so I can make schematics. I think? Or would a plugin be better?lookObject.SendMessage("SetLookTarget", transformToFollow);
You can use just code, when you have reference to LookAnimator component, like;"public FIMSpace.FLook.FLookAnimator lookAnim;"
you can call in;Start() "lookAnim.SetLookTarget(hereReferenceToObjectToLookAt);
Also, you can do the same with"public UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent myEvent;"
then dragging the object with LookAnimator inside the inspector, choosing"SetLookTarget"
method from the list and dragging Transform you want to look at, then calling "yourEvent.Invoke();" at Start().
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E.g. using Send Message node:
- function name: SetLookTarget
- add parameter: enable
- parameter type: Transform (based on what you posted)
- game object: select the game object to follow
- target object: select the game object that looks :)
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