edited July 2014 in ORK Scripting
is it currently possible to add animations when bring up menu/inventory etc sort a like fallout (i reference it alot i know lol) or even the way "The forest" did theirs if not i hope its in the work so we can add some flavor man this framework is so beast! examples below to give an idea what im talking about:

(Can be seen at 0:17 mark of video)

(pretty much at beginning around 0:05 mark)

  • Not directly in the menu screens, but by using events to call the menus, that's possible.

    E.g. create a game event that does your animation and calls the menu, use the event in a Global Event with event type Key and use the input key you want to call the menu.
    Of course, you'll have to disable calling the menu in the menu screen :)
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  • oohh wee lol when i get closer to implementing it i come pick your brain
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