public class QuantitySelectionAlternative : BaseData
[EditorHelp("Name", "The name of this quantity selection.", "")]
[EditorFoldout("Base Settings", "Set the name and base settings of this quantity selection.", "")]
public string name = "";
[EditorFoldout("Quantity Changes", "Define how quantity can be changed.\n" +
"Changing quantity uses integer value inputs.")]
[EditorHelp("Initial Value", "The initial value of the attribute box.", "")]
public int initialValue = 1;
[EditorHelp("Minimum Value", "The minimum value of the attribute box.", "")]
public int minValue = 1;
[EditorHelp("Maximum Value", "The maximum value of the attribute box.", "")]
public int maxValue = 20;
// quantity input
// horizontal change
[EditorHelp("Use Horizontal Change", "Change the quantity via horizontal input of the used UI box.")]
public bool useHorizontalChange = true;
[EditorHelp("Loop Horizontal", "Loop horizontal quantity changes.")]
[EditorCondition("useHorizontalChange", true)]
public bool loopHorizontal = false;
[EditorHelp("Horizontal Change", "The value that will be added/subtracted from the field per input.", "")]
public FloatValue<GameObjectSelection> horizontalChange = new FloatValue<GameObjectSelection>(1);
// vertical change
[EditorHelp("Use Vertical Change", "Change the quantity via vertical input of the used UI box.")]
public bool useVerticalChange = false;
[EditorHelp("Loop Vertical", "Loop vertical quantity changes.")]
[EditorCondition("useVerticalChange", true)]
public bool loopVertical = false;
[EditorHelp("Vertial Change", "The value that will be added/subtracted from the field per input.", "")]
public FloatValue<GameObjectSelection> verticalChange = new FloatValue<GameObjectSelection>(10);
// custom input
public UICustomInputSettings customInput = new UICustomInputSettings();
// main content
[EditorFoldout("Input Content", "Define the content that will be displayed in the quantity input field, e.g. quantity values.")]
[EditorLabel("<value> = current quantity, <min> = minimum quantity (usually 0), <max> = maximum quantity")]
public Content quantityContent = new Content("Quantity", "value", "<value>/<max>");
public QuantitySelectionAlternative()
[EditorSettingInfo("Quantity Selectors", "Displays quantity selectors for use.\n" +
"Provides attribute and ability selection menus")]
public class QuantitySelectorMenuPart : BaseMenuPart, IUIBoxControl, IUIBoxInput, IUIBoxInputChanged
[EditorHelp("UI Box", "The UI Box that will contain the quantity selection inputs")]
public UIBoxSelection attributeButtonUIBox = new UIBoxSelection();
public InformationUpdateSettings infoDisplay = new InformationUpdateSettings();
[EditorHelp("Limit Available Points ", "Limit the available points you can spend on the quantity selectors.")]
public bool limitAvailablePoints = false;
[EditorHelp("Availble Points", "How many points you can spend before the quantity selectors become disabled.")]
[EditorCondition("limitAvailablePoints", true)]
public int availablePoints = 10;
[EditorHelp("Limit text", "The text displayed on screen for the amount of available points you have to spend.")]
public string availablePointsName = "Attribute Points:";
[EditorFoldout("Quantity Selection Fields", "Customize the quantity selection controls.", "")]
[EditorArray("Add Quantity Selector", "Adds a quantity selector to the menu.", "",
"Remove", "Removes this menu item.", "", isMove = true, isCopy = true,
foldout = true, foldoutText = new string[] {
"Quantity Selector", "A custom quantity selector control.", ""
public QuantitySelectionAlternative[] item = new QuantitySelectionAlternative[0];
//in game components
protected IUIBox attributeBox;
protected int[] inputValues; //The received and current input value of the quantity selector.
protected int[] previousValues; //The previous iterations value of the quantity selector.
protected List<UIIntInputContent> input; //The quantity selector list itself.
protected QuantityData[] data; //Quantity data list. A quantity selector requires a quantity data component.
protected UIStringInputContent attributePointText; //The text content for the available points value.
public QuantitySelectorMenuPart()
public override bool IsFocused()
return this.attributeBox != null;
public override bool IsOpened
get { return this.attributeBox != null && this.attributeBox.IsOpen; }
public override bool IsClosed
get { return this.attributeBox == null; }
public override bool Controlable
get { return true; }
if (this.attributeBox != null)
this.attributeBox.IsControlable = value;
public override void ChangeCombatant(Combatant old)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void Refresh()
this.markRefresh = false;
public override void Show(MenuScreen s)
this.screen = s;
private void Show()
Maki.Game.Variables.Set("AttributePoints", availablePoints);
//Create background UI box
if (this.attributeBox == null || this.attributeBox.IsClosingOrClosed)
attributeBox = attributeButtonUIBox.Create();
//Create quantity data for the quantity selectors
data = new QuantityData[item.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < item.Length; i++)
QuantityData qData = new QuantityData(ORK.Game.ActiveGroup.Leader, this.screen.pauseGame, null, null, item[i].maxValue, item[i].minValue,
null, 0, 0, QuantitySelectionMode.Buy, null, null, null, null, null);
qData.quantity = item[i].initialValue;
data[i] = qData;
//Create choices
this.input = new List<UIIntInputContent>();
inputValues = new int[item.Length];
previousValues = new int[item.Length];
if (this.attributeBox != null)
//Set up quantity selection components
for (int index = 0; index < this.item.Length; index++)
item[index].useHorizontalChange ?
(int)item[index].horizontalChange.GetValue([index].combatant.Call) :
this.input[index].ChangeVertical = this.item[index].useVerticalChange ?
(int)item[index].verticalChange.GetValue([index].combatant.Call) :
this.input[index].LoopHorizontal = this.item[index].loopHorizontal;
this.input[index].LoopVertical = this.item[index].loopVertical;
this.attributeBox.AddInput(index, this.input[index]);
//Add the available points control if enabled
if (limitAvailablePoints)
UIText attributeDescription = new UIText(availablePointsName);
attributePointText = new UIStringInputContent(availablePoints.ToString(), attributeDescription, null);
attributePointText.IsActive = false;
this.attributeBox.AddInput(item.Length + 1, attributePointText);
//Set UIBox settings and open
this.attributeBox.Control = this;
this.attributeBox.InPause = this.screen.pauseGame;
this.attributeBox.IsControlable = true;
this.attributeBox.IsFocusable = true;
this.attributeBox.SchematicContext = this.screen.Combatant;
this.attributeBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
//Register the update information
//Create our value arrays for the quantity selectors
for (int i = 0; i < input.Count; i++)
inputValues[i] = input[i].InitialValue;
previousValues[i] = input[i].InitialValue;
Tick functions
public virtual bool Tick(IUIBox origin)
return false;
public virtual bool UnfocusedTick(IUIBox origin)
return false;
public virtual bool NotControlableTick(IUIBox origin)
return false;
State change functions
public void BoxOpened(IUIBox origin)
public void BoxClosed(IUIBox origin)
//Unsubscribe to the registered events
if (origin == this.attributeBox)
attributeBox = null;
public override void Close(bool closeImmediately)
if (UIBoxSetting.IsActive(this.attributeBox))
if (closeImmediately)
//Unsubscribe to the registered events
this.attributeBox.Control = null;
this.attributeBox = null;
public void FocusGained(IUIBox origin)
public void FocusLost(IUIBox origin)
public void OutOfBoxClicked(IUIBox origin)
Ok button functions
public bool IsOkButtonVisible(IUIBox origin)
return false;
public bool IsOkButtonActive(IUIBox origin)
return false;
public void Accepted(IUIBox origin)
Cancel button functions
public bool IsCancelButtonVisible(IUIBox origin)
return false;
public bool IsCancelButtonActive(IUIBox origin)
return false;
public void Canceled(IUIBox origin)
if (this.attributeBox == origin)
public void InputAccepted(IUIBox origin, int index)
public void InputSelected(IUIBox origin, int index)
public void InputChanged(IUIBox origin, int index)
//Make sure we are checking a quantity selector
if (index <= item.Length)
if (this.attributeBox == origin && this.input != null)
//Are we limiting available points
if (limitAvailablePoints)
if (inputValues[index] - input[index].Value > 0) //We are gaining a point
availablePoints += inputValues[index] - input[index].Value;[index].quantity = this.input[index].Value;
inputValues[index] = input[index].Value;
previousValues[index] = inputValues[index];
if (availablePoints > 0) //Points are available, set the variables and data.
availablePoints += inputValues[index] - input[index].Value;[index].quantity = this.input[index].Value;
inputValues[index] = input[index].Value;
else if (availablePoints <= 0) //No available points so dont increase the quantity selector.
{[index].quantity = previousValues[index];
inputValues[index] = previousValues[index];
input[index].Value = previousValues[index];
availablePoints = 0;
previousValues[index] = inputValues[index];
//We reset the inputs to update text accordingly.
else //No limit imposed, just update the values.
{[index].quantity = this.input[index].Value;
inputValues[index] = input[index].Value;
previousValues[index] = inputValues[index];
//No need to reset the inputs because we arent trying to limit the value or display the available points input field.
//Resets the inputs of the UI box so that they are accurate and up to date.
public void ResetInputs()
//Add the quantity selectors as they are.
for (int index = 0; index < this.item.Length; index++)
this.attributeBox.AddInput(index, this.input[index]);
//If limit available points add the available points input field.
if (limitAvailablePoints)
UIText attributeDescription = new UIText(availablePointsName);
attributePointText = new UIStringInputContent(availablePoints.ToString(), attributeDescription, null);
attributePointText.IsActive = false;
this.attributeBox.AddInput(item.Length + 1, attributePointText);
protected void UpdateStatusValues(int index)
Combatant player = ORK.Game.ActiveGroup.Leader;
//Switch on the quantity selectors name.
switch (this.item[index].name)
//We set up our status value references here. The name is important, you must match the name of the quantity selector to the attribute you are changing.
case "Strength":
StatusValueSetting strengthStatusValue = ORK.StatusValues.Get(5); //Match the index to your status value index.
StatusValue strengthStatus = player.Status.Get(strengthStatusValue);
case "Dexterity":
StatusValueSetting dexterityStatusValue = ORK.StatusValues.Get(8);
StatusValue dexterityStatus = player.Status.Get(dexterityStatusValue);
case "Vitality":
StatusValueSetting vitalityStatusValue = ORK.StatusValues.Get(6);
StatusValue vitalityStatus = player.Status.Get(vitalityStatusValue);
case "Prowess":
StatusValueSetting prowessStatusValue = ORK.StatusValues.Get(10);
StatusValue prowessStatus = player.Status.Get(prowessStatusValue);
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