ABC_IEntity abcEntity = ABC_Utilities.GetStaticABCEntity(gameObject); // character, enemy etcAt first, I was thinking about using a schematic in the stat itself to call AdjustStatValue to set it to the current value, but I couldn't see a way to do that via schematics. It wants you to set the actual value right there when I'm looking for it to be updated dynamically.
abcEntity.TriggerAbility("Fireball"); //activate ability using name
abcEntity.TriggerAbility(123456); //activate ability using ID
abcEntity.EquipWeapon("1H Sword"); //equip weapon using name
abcEntity.EquipWeapon(1234567); //equip weapon using ID
abcEntity.AdjustMaxHealth(500); //Adjust max health
abcEntity.AdjustStatValue("Strength", -30); //Adjust Stat
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Generally, you can easily get the combatant of a game object like this:
Combatant combatant = ORKComponentHelper.GetCombatant(this.gameObject);
With the combatant, you have access to the combatan's status values (getting values, setting/changing them, etc.) and can also register to get notified when they change, e.g.:
int value = combatant.Status[index].GetValue();
This gets you the current value of a status value based on the index in the editor (e.g. 0 for the first stat).
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This is a screenshot Mozza sent me this screenshot to show me how ABC calls stuff.
And this is what he had to say about Ork Integration.
using System.Collections;
So with all that said, I'm basically trying to figure out the best/cleanest approach to this. As a code noob, I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this.using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public partial class ABC_IEntity {
//Initially this will error as the methods already exist in the ABC_IEntity file. All you need to do is follow the errors and delete the ones in original file as you have replaced them in this file
//You are able to modify the code directly in the ABC_IEntity file however any changes you do will be overwritten on future updates. Using this new file you can keep track of methods you have modified and in future
//if you update ABC you will always know from this file what you have changed and all you have to do on update is simply follow the errors again deleting the duplicates from the original ABC_IEntity file
// I have provided some examples below of everything you will need to change to integrate with your own health/mana/stat component but use what you wish and delete what you don't need :)
// It's quite process intensive to get component each call so you might want to create a new property which just stores the component when it's accessed similar to this:
private STATCOMPONENT _myStats;
public STATCOMPONENT myStats {
get {
//If ani runner is null for any reason then reassign the component
if (this._myStats == null)
this._myStats = this.gameObject.GetComponent<STATCOMPONENT>();
return this._myStats;
// and then you can override the following methods (deleting them in the original file) to connect to your component
/// <summary>
/// Returns entities Current Health Value
/// </summary>
public float healthValue {
get {
return myStats.Health;
/// <summary>
/// Returns entites Max Health Value
/// </summary>
public float maxHealthValue {
get {
return myStats.MaxHealth;
/// <summary>
/// Returns entities Max Mana Value
/// </summary>
public float maxManaValue {
get {
return myStats.maxMana;
/// <summary>
/// Returns entities Current Health Value
/// </summary>
public float manaValue {
get {
return myStats.Mana;
/// <summary>
/// Will Adjust the entities health
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Potency">Amount to adjust health by (can be positive or negative)</param>
public void AdjustHealth(float Potency) {
/// <summary>
/// Will Adjust the entities mana
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Potency">Amount to adjust mana by (can be positive or negative)</param>
public void AdjustMana(float Potency) {
/// <summary>
/// Will increase max health
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Amount">Amount to increase max health by</param>
/// <param name="RestoreHealth">If true then health will be restored to full</param>
public void AdjustMaxHealth(float Amount, bool RestoreHealth = false) {
/// <summary>
/// Will adjust max Mana
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Amount">Amount to adjust max Mana by</param>
/// <param name="RestoreHealth">If true then Mana will be restored to full</param>
public void AdjustMaxMana(float Amount, bool RestoreMana = false) {
/// <summary>
/// Will adjust health regen rate
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Amount">Amount to adjust regen by</param>
public void AdjustHealthRegen(float Amount) {
/// <summary>
/// Will adjust mana regen rate
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Amount">Amount to adjust regen by</param>
public void AdjustManaRegen(float Amount) {
/// <summary>
/// Will return the stat value asked for in the parameter
/// </summary>
/// <param name="StatName">Stat to find value for</param>
/// <param name="IntegrationType">The integration type for stat functionality - if ABC is picked then normal stat functionality is used else stat from another integration system i.e game creator is used</param>>
/// <returns>Value of the stat</returns>
public float GetStatValue(string StatName, ABCIntegrationType IntegrationType = ABCIntegrationType.ABC) {
/// <summary>
/// Will modify a stats value by the amount provided
/// </summary>
/// <param name="StatName">Stat which will have its value modified</param>
/// <param name="Amount">Amount to increase or decrease the stat value by</param>
public void AdjustStatValue(string StatName, float Amount) {
myStats.AdjustStatValue(StatName, Amount);
As far as the code you mentioned above, how would I best apply it? Should I try and make a plugin? Or just a script I attach to the combatant as a bridge?
Register to the combatant's status value changes in the component's Start function. You can register like this:
combatant.Status[index].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
StatusValueChanged would be a function in the class:
public void StatusValueChanged()
The function will be called whenever the status value you registered to changes - e.g. get the value from the combatant (as shown above) and forward it to ATB.
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public override float manaValue => _Combatant.Status[(int)OrkStatusValue.ETHER].GetValue(); //Assumes Index 3 is Ork Mana Value
It seems like I'm not getting the correct reference?
This is the full script atm. I just want to make sure I"m pointing to the right thing in Ork.
using GamingIsLove.ORKFramework;
public partial class ABC_IEntity
private Combatant combatant;
public void Start()
//Registers to the combatant's status value changes
combatant.Status[0].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[1].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[2].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[3].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[4].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[5].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[10].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[11].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[12].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[13].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[14].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[15].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[16].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[17].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[18].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[19].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[20].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
combatant.Status[26].SimpleChanged += StatusValueChanged;
public void StatusValueChanged() //Function to be called whenever registered status effects change
public Combatant OrkStats
//If ani runner is null for any reason then reassign the component
if (this.combatant == null)
_ = ORKComponentHelper.GetCombatant(this.gameObject); //Gets Combatant from a game object
return this.combatant;
/// <summary>
/// Ork Framework 3 doesn't have predefined Stats, aka Status Values. So the name/ID of the Health, Mana and the rest, can be anything. I generally try to keep my stats in the character sheet type minor to make it easier to tell where the stats are.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Returns entities Current Health Value
/// </summary>
public override float healthValue => combatant.Status[(int)OrkStatusValue.LIFEFORCE].GetValue(); //Assumes Index 1 as Ork Health Value
/// <summary>
/// Returns entities Max Health Value
/// </summary>
public override float maxHealthValue => combatant.Status[(int)OrkStatusValue.BRINK].GetValue(); //Assumes Index 0 as ORK MaxHealth
/// <summary>
/// Returns entities Max Mana Value
/// </summary>
public override float maxManaValue => combatant.Status[(int)OrkStatusValue.MAXETHER].GetValue(); //Assumes Index 2 as Ork MaxMana
/// <summary>
/// Returns entities Current Mana Value
/// </summary>
public override float manaValue => combatant.Status[(int)OrkStatusValue.ETHER].GetValue(); //Assumes Index 3 is Ork Mana Value
/// <summary>
/// Will Adjust the entities health
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Potency">Amount to adjust health by (can be positive or negative)</param>
public override void AdjustHealth(float Potency) => combatant.Status[(int)OrkStatusValue.LIFEFORCE].SetValue((int)Potency,
/// <summary>
/// Will Adjust the entities mana
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Potency">Amount to adjust mana by (can be positive or negative)</param>
public override void AdjustMana(float Potency) => combatant.Status[(int)OrkStatusValue.ETHER].SetValue((int)Potency,
/// <summary>
/// Will increase max health
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Amount">Amount to increase max health by</param>
/// <param name="RestoreHealth">If true then health will be restored to full</param>
public override void AdjustMaxHealth(float Amount, bool RestoreHealth = false)
if (RestoreHealth)
/// <summary>
/// Will adjust max Mana
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Amount">Amount to adjust max Mana by</param>
/// <param name="RestoreMana">If true then Mana will be restored to full</param>
public override void AdjustMaxMana(float Amount, bool RestoreMana = false)
if (RestoreMana)
/// <summary>
/// Will adjust health regen rate
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Amount">Amount to adjust regen by</param>
public override void AdjustHealthRegen(float Amount)
//In ORK regeneration is handled by Ork Status Effects
/// <summary>
/// Will adjust mana regen rate
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Amount">Amount to adjust regen by</param>
public override void AdjustManaRegen(float Amount)
//In Ork regeneration is handled by Ork Status Effects
/// <summary>
/// Will return the stat value asked for in the parameter
/// </summary>
/// <param name="StatName">Stat to find value for</param>
/// <param name="IntegrationType">The integration type for stat functionality - if ABC is picked then normal stat functionality is used else stat from another integration system i.e game creator is used</param>>
/// <returns>Value of the stat</returns>
public float GetStatValue(string StatName, ABCIntegrationType IntegrationType = ABCIntegrationType.Ork3Framework)
float returnValue = 0;
StatusValue theStatus = GetORKStatByName(StatName);
if (theStatus != null)
returnValue = theStatus.GetValue();
return returnValue;
/// <summary>
/// Will modify a stats value by the amount provided
/// </summary>
/// <param name="StatName">Stat which will have its value modified</param>
/// <param name="Amount">Amount to increase or decrease the stat value by</param>
public void AdjustStatValue(string StatName, float Amount)
_ = GetORKStatByName(StatName);
// Maybe is not good idea to return just the statusvalue and
// and we might need to repeat the code in both methods above
private StatusValue GetORKStatByName(string statName)
StatusValue returnValue = null;
int numberOfStats = ORK.StatusValues.Count;
for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfStats; ++i)
if (combatant.Status[i].GetName().Equals(statName))
returnValue = combatant.Status[i];
return returnValue;
/// <summary>
/// Additional partial class overrides for ABCIntegration to smoothline it
/// </summary>
public enum ABCIntegrationType
ABC = 0,
GameCreator = 1,
EmeraldAI = 2,
GameCreator2 = 3,
Ork3Framework = 4,
//These ENUMs were created to just add more human language to the output and make it easier to debug. I used my own custom stats for my game, but any Ork Status Value can be replaced.
public enum OrkStatusValue
BRINK = 0, //Maximum Health
LIFEFORCE = 1, //Current Health
MAXETHER = 2, //Maximum Mana
ETHER = 3, //Current Mana
MAXSTAMINA = 4, //Maximum Stamina
STAMINA = 5, //Current Stamina
EXP = 6, //Character Experience
PEXP = 7, //Profession/Class Experience
CP = 8, //Character Points (For Character upgrades)
TP = 9, //Technique Points (For Ability Upgrades)
LOGIC = 10, //Character Stat for Ether Damage
AURA = 11, //Character Stat for force of Personality
CUNNING = 12, //Character stat for crits, stealth and shady things
AWARENESS = 13, //Character stat for physical awareness and senses
POWER = 14, //Character stat for Attack
SPEED = 15, //Character stat for physical speed and dodging
DETERMINATION = 16, //Character stat for mental willpower and using Hekan Arts
FORTITUDE = 17, //Character stat for physical defense
HEKANARTS = 18, //Character stat for using Hekan Arts
ATKSPD = 19, //Character stat for increasing speed of Attacks
CASTSPD = 20, //Character stat for increasing speed of Hekan Arts
ATTACK = 21, //Damage Stat
WEAPONDMG = 22, //Increased Attack with a Weapon
ETHERIALDMG = 23, //Increased Attack with Etherial attacks
SOAK = 24, //Character Attack Defense
ARMOR = 25, //Equipment Defense
DEFENSE = 26, //Total Attack Defense
ETHERIALDEFENSE = 27, //Total Etherial Defense
THORNS = 28, //Amount of Attack Damage done on Hit
CRITHITMOD = 29, //Increases Chance to Hit with Critical
CRITPOWER = 30, //Increases Critical Damage
CRITDEFENSE = 31, //Increases Defense against Critical Attacks
BLOCKCHANCE = 32, //Chance to Block Attacks
BLOCKMOD = 33, //Increases amount of Attack Blocked
ACCMOD = 34, //Increases accuracy of Attacks
DODGE = 35, //Chance to Dodge Attacks
DODGEMOD = 36, //Increases chance to Dodge
AOERADIUS = 37, //Increases radius of Attacks
CCPOWER = 38, //Chance to land a Crowd Control effect
CCRESIST = 39, //Increases chance to resist a Crowd Control effect
SOCIALSKILL = 40, //Increases chance of success in Social events
MOVESPEED = 41, //Increases movement speed of player
CHANCETOBLEED = 42, //Chance to hit with Bleed effect
CHANCETODISADV = 43, //Chance to hit with Disadvantage
CHANCETOKNOCKBACK = 44, //Chance to Knockback enemy
CHANCETOPOISON = 45, //Chance to poison enemy
CHANCETOROOT = 46, //Chance to root enemy in place
CHANCETOSILENCE = 47, //Chance to cease enemy from casting Hekan Arts
CHANCETOSLEEP = 48, //Chance to put enemy to sleep
CHANCETOSTAGGER = 49, //Chance to stagger enemy on hit
CHANCETOSTUN = 50, //Chance to Stun enemy on hit
CHANCETOADV = 51, //Chance too hit with Advantage
DOTBONUS = 52, //Increases Damage over Time effects
ETHEREGENONKILL = 53, //Increases Ether Regeneration on Kill
HOTBONUS = 54, //Increases Heal over Time effects
HEALTHONBLOCK = 55, //Amount of Health returned on Block
HEALTHONKILL = 56, //Amount of Health regained on killing an enemy
HEALTHREGEN = 57, //Amount of Health regnerated per second
LIFESTEAL = 58, //Amount of Health stolen fron enemy on Attack
LOOTCHANCE = 59, //Increases chance for a roll on the Loot Table
PROJECTILECOUNT = 60, //Increases number of projectiles on a projectile Attack
PROJECTILERANGE = 61, //Increases the range of projectiles
PROJECTILESPEED = 62, //Increases the Speed of a projectile
MINIONBRINK = 63, //Minion Maximum Health
MINIONLIFEFORCE = 64, //Minion Current Health
MINIONMAXETHER = 65, //Minion Maximum Ether
MINIONETHER = 66, //Minion Current Ether
MINIONMAXSTAMINA = 67, //Minion Maximum Stamina
MINIONSTAMINA = 68, //Minion Current Stamina
MINIONCRITCHANCE = 69, //Minion Critical Chance
MINIONCRITPOWER = 70, //Minion Critical Power
MINIONATTACK = 71, //Minion Attack
MINIONWEAPONDAMAGE = 72, //Increases Minion Weapon Damage
MINIONETHERIALDMG = 73, //Increases Minion Etherial Damage
MINIONDEFENSE = 74, //Minion Total Defense
MINIONDURATION = 75, //Minion Summoning Duration
MINIONLIFESTEAL = 76, //Minions amount of life stolen on hit
MINIONTHORNS = 77, //Minion Thorns
MINIONCOUNT = 78 //Number of Minions that can be summoned at once
I had to move the script from the asset folder to outside to Resources and fix the whole private/public variable mess.