edited August 2014 in ORK Scripting
I am making *part* of my GUI through Unity, because there are just some things that I need it to do that ORK's GUI system does not have yet. I am working on my Map menu, which has five Unity buttons on the bottom to teleport to the five available zones in the game world. I need these buttons to load a new scene and spawn the player at one of the spawn points set up in the scene.

Basically I need it to do the equivalent of this node structure:

But I need that functionality inside my buttons:
if(GUILayout.Button("First Zone",GUILayout.Width(Screen.width*.2f))){


I've searched through the API looking for key words, but I'm having trouble figuring out what methods I need to use to accomplish this task. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Post edited by drod7425 on
  • edited August 2014
    You can do that by creating a new SceneChanger:

    SceneChanger changer = new GameObject().AddComponent<SceneChanger>();
    changer.target = new SceneTarget[] {new SceneTarget(string sceneName, int spawnID)};
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • Works perfectly! Thanks!

    For those who may reference this thread looking for the same answer I was: make changer a class variable and initiate it in the Start method. Initiating in the OnGUI method creates countless GameObjects with SceneChanger components :) And then you can use the same changer for all your scene changes.

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