I followed the battle in a new scene tutorial, and everything seems to be working fine. The only issue is that upon entering a battle, a clone of the player is created directly on the spawn point, and another player character is put on the defined battle spot. I'm certain this is an easy fix, but I just can't figure it out for the life of me.
Is your player also in the battle group? Otherwise it might spawn the player and the battle group - you can prevent that by using a Destroy Player step in your battle start event (e.g. after loading the new scene).
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Seems strange - maybe you do have two combatants in your group? This can happen if the start event is executed twice, e.g. when you added it in the main menu settings and also set it up in the scene ...
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That was the issue. I had a GameObject set up to spawn the player in addition to the Main Menu that I must have forgotten to delete. I deleted the object, and reverted the "Destroy Player" step in the Battle Event and everything is working smoothly again.
I had a similar issue months ago, i just need to remember the solution! :)
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EDIT: Looks like it still shows a menu for the other player, and my only option is to "do nothing."
This can happen if the start event is executed twice, e.g. when you added it in the main menu settings and also set it up in the scene ...
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