Hello @gamingislove I've been debugging for hours, and can't find the reason why I'm not getting the list of SchemaSettings when calling var settings = Maki.Data.Get(), settings returned is not null, but the elements from the Editor are missing, E.g. settings.Get(0);

This is my MakinomDataExtension implementation

namespace RustedGames.ORKFramework
public class RGMakinomDataExtension : MakinomDataExtension
public RGMakinomDataExtension(){}

public override int Sorting
return 500;
public override void CreateInstance(){}

public override void Initialize(){}

public override void GetDataTypes(List<Type> types)

public override void InitTextCodes(List<BaseUITextCodes.TextCodeCollection> other)

Then my settings class

namespace RustedGames.ORKFramework
public class SchemaSettings : GenericAssetListSettings<SchemaAsset, Schema>
public SchemaSettings(MakinomProjectAsset project)

public override string Filename
get { return "Schema"; }

and finally the test code in a monobehaviour

SchemaSettings settings = Maki.Data.Get<SchemaSettings>();
if (settings != null)
Schema schema = settings.Get(0);
if (schema == null)
Debug.LogError("Schema is null");

  • Moreover, I added my code to ORK sources, compiled the dll and it worked, so my guess now it is a reflection issue with Makinom DataHandler when having the code as scripts?
  • On first look that should work - can you send me all your custom scripts involved in this to contact@orkframework.com to check it out?
    Also, I assume ORK/Makinom has been initialized (e.g. via game starter) before accessing it?

    Generally, you can access the data directly via referencing the data assets.
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  • I've sent the email, and yes ORK/Makinom has been initialized before accessing it.
    I do agree I can access the data directly by referencing the data asset stored in the Schema object, I'm trying to figure out the save/load of the custom runtime data belonging to the player.
  • I'll check it out.
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