I was checking the documentation but I can't seem to find it anywhere. It seems ORK doesn't seem to have any world map/marker system like in Elden Ring etc... Again if I'm wrong I apologize. But we would like to implement some sort of fast travel system where the player can fast travel back to the previously visited areas on the map. And a map marker system, where they can mark any point on the world from the map.
ORK has a system for markers, etc. - e.g. used in the Navigation Bar HUD. So, this kind of information could be integrated with 3rd party map solutions.
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Soon on I’m planning on integrating a mini map system too.
I’ve noticed that the integration page is a few years old, do you know if the integration would still work GiL?
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@CobaltBlue73 relish the soup, particularly integrated soup ;)
As far as Unity Soup, that's basically how Unity works. You can make it all yourself, sure, but at some point you'll realize how much time you save by at the very least, using a code base designed and battle tested.