edited December 2024 in Showcase

I began with Ork in Summer 2022, and I achieved my first piece of video game : about 10 minutes
of " Les aventures de Canelle". French only, sorry.

(Edit 3rd December 2023: chapter 1 done !) PC version here and Mac Version here

Lots of bug inside, I still have a long path to do !
Post edited by Canelle on
  • I don't speak french, so can't say what's going on - but good job :)
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
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  • Thank you !
  • Hello, the new version of the begginning of my game is ready !! There's an English version now, and 3 zones to explore.

    PC version here and Mac Version here

    I spent so much time to correct bugs and mistakes. Three months of work for about 30 minutes to play. And June still doesn't run after her sister... ^^;

    There's some bugs, especially in the equipment menu. The menu wants to call an Unequip button in the slot list and let a space between slots and back button..., but I didn't allow Unequip in this window. Strange.
  • Je viens de tester, plutôt pas mal ! j'aime bien l'UI ! Et le "Retourne à la cuisine" m'a tué ahah, hésite pas si jamais tu as besoin d'infos, je sais que la plupart de la communauté n'est pas trop francophone donc au début j'ai galéré aussi ! Bon courage pour la suite !
  • Merci beaucoup pour ton retour, Tr1nome. J'arrive à m'en sortir avec l'anglais, mais j'ai encore beaucoup de travail pour maitriser ORK et avancer l'histoire du jeu^^
  • News of 3rd December : Finally, the first chapter of the story is done. Two years of work for... maybe one or two hour in game ^_^;

    Canelle Quest (Mac) and Canelle Quest (Window)

    I made some light change in the battle system, inspired by the game Eiyuden Chronicle (loved it !). And the Main feature of this version : One can choose to start the game at several point of the story (with suitable team, level and equipment), and there is a new game in very easy mode (My five years old daughter use it to battle monster. She likes it !).

    I feel still like a beginner in Orkframework and unity, with lots of bugs and difficulty. And I a have progress to do in the scale of the maps. I hope to add new chapter of the story little by little !
  • Hey I tried on multiple browsers but they really dislike that file. Where are you hosting the game?
    Miuratale : coming March 29 2025
  • I'm hosting the file on my website :

    I compressed the game with my mac, is there any problem with uncompressing it ?
  • That link works better! For some reason the other link refused to respond on Brave, and Edge gave me a "This file is dangerous" warning with no apparent option to download it.
    Miuratale : coming March 29 2025
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